
 “Hope speaks to us of a thirst, an aspiration, a longing for a life of fulfillment, a desire to achieve great things, things that fill our heart and lift our spirit to lofty realities like truth, goodness and beauty, justice and love.” (FT 55)

What fills your heart and lifts your spirit?  Texted John Alexander at 4 a.m. woke at 8. Blackfrairs, St Martin's, Walsingham, Bed changed and washing. Email for St John's zoom gone again. 

Woke 4 and 8. Blackfriars, St Martin's, Walsingham. Missed St John's email gone again! Faith action zoom on festivals. Meditation hopeless. Bed changed, got washing in from rain. Lourdes rang. Emailed Fr Andrew and he rang immediately! Very nice. Told me about French families meeting at Canon Christopher's grave. Planning meeting went very well. Libraries meeting no councillors there Elizabeth Ash dominated it and was actually cutting people off. It was good to hear from lawyers on Northampton case. Joined National Theatre at home and ordered from ACN. Personal alarms have come. 


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