
 St Martin's. Took Liz to Mayday and Dennis met her there with wheelchair. She had 8 blood tests and saw the haemotologist. She has enlarged spleen and lymph glands pointing to lymphoma but goes back for bone marrow and CT scans next week on fast track. I think we are relieved to know what is causing the tiredness and lack of sleep. Dennis stayed all day and Louise was in Beckenham so she came. They helped decorate the tree and Henry joined in later. They got fish and chips. Bruce came on zoom. I managed the retreat with Sisters of the Assumption and Fr Michael Holman and the Laudato Si' prayers for the first time. Liz had Alpha group and I watched Joyce Grenfell and RSCM talk on Bernstein Chichester Psalms and Cambridge Eco-mosque with Tim Winter. An eventful day. 


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