Catenians and Benedictines

To Norwood circle meeting. I had forgotten I was sick visitor so volunteered to do another month. David Barrett gave us a potted version of the beginnings of our circle. Tuesday to Friends of cathedral meeting with Dom Cuthbert Johnson retired abbot of Quarr. He spoke much about how the Benedictine rule can be used in ordinary life and of how the liturgy should reflect peace and quiet in our troubled world. The Kiss of peace should show respect for each person - he has little time for wild exuberant joy at services! Very Benedictine! Spoke to Ann on Skype in Canada!
Today met with Vickie and planned music to end of July. To St Michael's for recital by Ilya Kudryavtsev from Russia. He played very well - Shostakovich, Alain, Reger and Durufle.
Home for lunch and then to Hinsley Room for interfaith group. 8 came and we discussed "Love of neighbour". Interesting that Mark was at the previous meeting in the room which was for paid lay assistants in the diocese. Much enjoyed Alexander McCall Smith's latest novel.


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