Westminster Abbey choir at the cathedral

To Vespers at 5 p.m. with combined choirs of the Abbey and cathedral.This was an invented first vespers for St Philip and St James with a lovely hymn setting by Praetorius. I was acolyte. Wonderful sound in Marenzio Magnificat and Bruckner Os justi. When the boys went for the high note in the Bruckner it was quite thrilling! Bach Toccata in C at the end. There was a good congregation too - Martin Ball was there. Liz could not make it as Grandma was ill. she had taken Bruce to Dorking (he came last night) and been to Bow to meet the plumber. After choir practice Vickie came for a meeting with the choir. I went up to Grandma's but we could not lift her so got the ambulance and Liz spent most of the night at King's. Got election results and spoke to Ann in Washington D.C.


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