London election and Baroness Neuberger

Up early to swim at South Norwood pool as I had the old car, then to vote at the Polish club and got early train. My £2 coin got stuck in the machine at Selhurst and when I asked at the ticket office the manager opened the machine and handed me several coins! Ken Livingstone promising us over 60s 24 hour free travel but I voted for Paddick and the greens. Boris was elected and worse still one seat for the BNP. What is happening in this country? Massive swing to the Tories throughout the country no doubt not helped by the 10p tax mess-up and the high price of petrol and food. Bob Geldof came into the library to find where to vote! Halim got his autograph but did not alert me until too late. I was glad that the childrens library was not used for voting this time.
Served at mass in the Lady chapel with the full choir singing Lobo.
To Baroness Julia Neuberger's excellent lecture on volunteering. She chaired the government commission on this. She mentioned how silly it is that one CRB check is not enough. She answered the questions well and with humour.


I recall meeting Rabbi Neuberger, as she was then, up here in Glasgow. Of the reformed Jewish tradition. Graeme.
Thanks Graeme. She is clearly a brilliant person - very engaging indeed!
Like all clearly brilliant folk she is ahead of her time. Being a woman Rabbi AND in the Reformed Synagogue she does not go down well at all with the generally traditionalist male Rabbis. Graeme.

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