Fr Timothy Radcliffe

Father Timothy gave an excellent lecture in the "Silence in the city" series to a packed cathedral hall (400 there and a queue outside for seats). He spoke about hope. He said the Church's main role was to give people hope and the Eucharist is the sacrament of hope. In John's Gospel, hope is expressed by living in the moment. Eternal Life is now! The Bible continually stresses Today and This is the day. "Don't worry about today, it's already tomorrow in Australia!" Points about living in the moment.
1. To be with who is there.
2. The disabled teach us to take time with them.
3. Listen to what people say to you and do not think about what you want to say.
4. Open your eyes and look!
The problem of secularism is the desire for control which leads to people being locked up. He spoke of the monastic rhythm with the Nunc Dimittis for the evening ( a song of hope) the Benedictus at dawn and almost any song at midday. We all like routine but the dawn brings new challenges. Many fear the night and the dark. Try to start the day with prayer. Look for signs of hope - they are there. Watch out for noonday lethargy! After silent meditation he answered questions very fully speaking about interfaith dialogue, answering the big questions of suffering and the need to reach out to the young. It was a most stimulating evening.
Have finished reading "Together and different" about Christians engaging with other faiths in London. Nice I know some of the people in the book. On return home watched The Apprentice.


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