Sixth Sunday after Easter

At Coulsdon we sang Bairstow in E flat, Peter Jones Gloria, Celtic alleluia and Tallis's "If ye love me". I played some Bach Easter preludes and Healey Willan on Vulpius. Fair trade stall at coffee and Karen went through Ave Maria of Schubert for next Sunday. I picked up swim stuff from the pool (left since Friday as Liz could not there as she went to meet Jeanette Fishwick from Hobart) and back to church for 3 p.m. memorial service for Friends of the elderly. Played Vierne Berceuse and Mendelssohn Andante and 3 hymns - rest was CDs. To garden centre to get compost. Liz was at WC and meeting Jeanette again so out all day. To St John's for evensong. Roisin snag the solo in "Blessed be the God and Father" really well (although she needs to work on breathing - she is doing Bronze award exam). Walmisley in D minor and that splendid Wesley hymn "O love divine how sweet thou art". Finished June music list. Saw in Churches together in Upper Norwood leaflet that Revd Wendy Berridge died last year aged 91 - she was a splendid URC minister much loved by all.
Long chat to Dennis and Breda on Skype. Liz very late home as she had been in the pub after the Mass for new Catholics - I was already asleep!


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