
Arrived outside Cadogan Hall far too early with my folding chair so sat and read Kubu. Eventually another guy arrived so had a chat. It would have been fine to arrive much later! At 10 got my £5 ticket and to Peter Jones for tea and croissant with a wonderful view over Chelsea. Had a look at jackets - one was £535! To Royal College of Music for Britten singing workshop with Mary King - folksongs, Billy Budd, St Cecilia sections and a tricky Ballad. Liz came and not in good mood again. Eventually went to hall and got her a ticket and had light lunch at Peter Jones. The concert was Camerata Ireland directed by Barry Douglas with Alison Balsom - Britten, Berkeley, Shostakovich and Rainier. Fr Gerard Skinner was there. To vespers and Mass with Fr Michael Durand. Nice to see David playing Bach. Did not go to Urban Music prom. Home and fell asleep then had spare ribs and kebabs. Watched Proms plus programme. 


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