Barber of Seville

Swam 20. Spent the day on Catenian business and emails about the interfaith group. Laurence Jones is no longer a Catenian - he joined in 1977 - sad really. I managed to get onto the portal and discovered Head office had a very old email address for me - no wonder I have not been receiving circulars! The visit to Hyderi mosque to discuss Sunday's meeting was cancelled. Liz went to servers council but there were too few to meet. I sent an email to the Catholic Herald about an attack on Paul Inwood in the paper and on Face Book -outrageous! Peter Sanders rang about his visit to St Michael's on Thursday. He said John Mander had pushed Alan into the Kellner tuning and Nigel Groome had said he would not play that organ as it just sounds out of tune!
To Vaughn House for the launch of Monks and Mystics 3. Lots of people there I knew and delighted to see Shakyh Hamzy. The speakers were good Fr Jonathan from Ampleforth, Archbishop Kevin and Dr Shomali. I said I found mosques full of warmth between people compared to Mass and I commented on individualism against community. Damian was there - I had sent him the photos of Hurtado from Santiago cathedral. To Acton.
Wednesday to messy play. Sean reluctant at first but he joined in and sat for the Elmer story. Had coffee and soft play and then to Watermans. Sean really joined in with Tamar - ladder made of wood, I am a statue, going to his place, being the traindriver. Nursery has been very good for him. I collected Ciaran and got a big hug. He asked who in the family had been in the war as they had the two minute silence. He really is a sensitive and caring soul. He was delighted with illustrated Bible I gave him - my Holy Bible he said and went off to read it. Sean "I don't walk books". Tom took the boys swimming so we went to ENO for Barber of Seville (the last night). Hilarious production - have not laughed so much for ages and certainly not at the opera. We were in the stalls. To stage door and visited Morgan Pearse in dressing room 1 and met his mother. He was delighted and signed our programme. I think his next visitor was Edwina Currie! Home by 11.45 to a pathetic email from Leon telling me not to pursue carols at Kent House as he has no time to contact the incumbent of the next parish. One phone call to clear it? I am increasingly disillusioned by the C of E and St Michael's. If they cannot do outreach of this kind they are doomed. 


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