Renewal Arts

Swam 20. Did the minutes of the Catenian meeting and started emailing about Cambrudge and the interfaith group Laudato Si' series in 2016. To local glass shop and got mirror for the mosaic frame for £15. Posted calendar and other items in West Norwood and got gold tiles. Served at Cathedral chapter Mass. Boys sang Faure Messe Basse and Parry and I was acolyte. Rebecca was there and Richard. Mr M said nothing to me! Tea and then to Initiatives of change for Renewal Arts on transforming power of the arts. June Boyce-Tillman was great and got us all singing. Jodie Marshall from Sheffield told us how theatre transforms kids. Kwame Reed spoke about poetry and drama against gang culture. It was inspiring!
To Acton and Sean to Tamar. Renewed Watermans membership as the parking permit was not in the car. Sean seemed a bit off and at one point went in the lift on his own which upset him. He slept for ages. Ciarán loved the presents especially the Peruvian panpipes and animal items. Watched him at his swimming lesson with Tom - he was doing really well. To SGI Brixton - only 3 but a good chat about life after death. Watched The Apprentice - have missed it. 


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