Biggin Hill

Having spent the day reading Bede Griffiths and watching Young musician brass final and the tribute to Kathleeen Ferrier including an interview with Dame Janet Baker picked up Harry at 5.30 and drove to Biggin Hill. Traffic bad and it took an hour but there was time for a short practice on the one manual pipe organ installed by Peter Sanders. Missa de angelis was well sung and Gerry sang psalm and alleluia unaccompanied. Fr Gerry Flood was enjoying it singing Oremus and singing bits we thought we were saying including the Lord's Prayer. I played RAF march past and Dambusters march. Into the Hazel room for Catenian provincial AGM and meeting and Duncan became Provincial President. Finished at 10.15! Came home via Addington which was much better. The Isoms have twin boys!


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