The soul

Up early and found a contact at Croydon council about the torch relay. Swam 24 and chatted to Claire at the pool and Chai at Barber stores about the relay. Shocked to hear the council charge the traders to put on the Thornton Heath festival - £4000 including extra security because of the riots! To mosaic class and grouting. Skipped tai chi and to Heythrop. Saw Fr Rocco and Jerry and returned books to library. Did not get to Mass as collared by Ben about his late essay. To seminar on "The soul in Christian spirituality" Dr Edward Howell - lots on Augustine and Teresa of Avila. Met MA student working on Rowan Williams and Islam and an MA Spirituality from Cheshire working on celibacy. Damian was at first lecture. Chat to Tony Moynihan and applied for June booking in Fulham. Watched programme on Shakespeare and James I.


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