
I was surprised and delighted to receive £180 as a gift from St Andrew's during the service. We sang Bob Chilcott's The Lord is my shepherd - such a lovely setting. I played Worthy is the Lamb and we took photos. The after service party was very pleasant and gave me an opportunity to  thank everyone. Several spoke very highly of the choir and my playing which was kind. The at home this afternoon was abandoned because of the rain and people not being able to get to Vicky's. I cleared out some more files and the keyboard and its stand. There are just more organ music, hymnbooks and robes to come home. I certainly have no intention of giving up playing. I saw Martin and he knew nothing of the All Saints saga and says Tommy may not be leaving after all! I picked up Liz and headed for Streatham for the LAMAG meeting on Faith and Politics. Neil Jameson of Citizens UK spoke really well, Ghanesh Lall less so but the real star again was Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi. He went to Whitgift which he said gave him no ethical background then SOAS and Cambridge! He gave me his email so I hope to chat with him about my essays.  Watched Songs of Praise school choirs final and so pleased St George's Weybridge won.


Peter Simpson said…
I must say I prefer the Howard Goodall setting of 'The Lord is my shepherd.' OK is might remind one of the Vicar of Dibley, but it is a lovely setting!

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