I did it my way

One of the discussions yesterday I had was about funerals prompted by Bishop Rowell lamenting over funeral rites where the wishes of the deceased overrode all considerations. The worst I ever experienced was one where a young man had committed suicide and the priest agreed that a CD of his favourite song should be played at the end. I have never seen a family so distraught - wailing in pain. I think it was a mistake. It might have been alright privately say at the crematorium with only a few people there but this was at the end of a weekday Mass. I wonder why funerals are always during the week - a recent one was on a Saturday and was well attended as a result. Maye we need to mention these funerals in our Sunday liturgies. The contrast is dear Fr David who would mention a funeral 5 times during Mass which was too much and depressing rather than uplifting! How I wish Catenians would write their own obituaries and plan their funerals better. I played for one which was packed with Catenians keen to sing and we had just 2 hymns at the behest of the family! In Ireland they don't even sing the whole hymn! I do not want Crimond!


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