Gloucester weekend

Thursday Liz was serving at 5 p.m. Mass as Francis was away. I took the car to Acton and went by trains and to Alexandra Palace for the organ recital. Had a pint of ale on arrival and saw Jack and chatted to several people. I became a friend so get a cheaper rate for the concerts. Thomas Keogh and James Luxton 2 young organists from Birmingham and they had fun playing a variety of pieces including The Lost chord, Finlandia (very impressive pedal trills), Solemn melody, Vierne and Bach. They finished with Sousa Colonel Bogey as a duet including playing pedals with hands and fists! That got a well deserved encore! Got back to Acton the same way about 10.30 p.m. Friday a.m. Ciaran enjoyed a story 3 times and went off in the car with Louise. We got to Paddington in good time and train to Gloucester. Edward hotel very comfortable and not too far from the centre. We visited the excellent Gloucester museum and the packed folk museum. Bought a picnic. Saturday spent rehearsing with Richard and a good evensong. Lovely to see the musicians chapel again with windows to Howells (we sang the setting in G which is quoted in the window) Sumsion, Brewer and Wesley. We sang a newly published Alleluia by Eric Whitacre - very fine. To the pub for tea and then excellent fish and chips with Simon and Tom and a large party, Sunday 10.15 a.m. Eucharist with Vierne Messe solenelle (which we sang at York) and Arcadelt motet. Paul conducted with Gary Sieling playing. Had pilgrims pie and tea in the cathedral cafe. Evensong Noble in A minor, Handel and Stanford "If ye are risen with Christ" 2 good sermons, Dubois toccata. To 5.30 mass at St Peter's excellent homily by deacon Tim Matthews and met his aunt walking along afterwards. The keyboard player was far too slow - Beethoven 9, This is the day and Meekness and majesty wrecked! Interested in memorial to the Protestant martyr Bishop Thomas Hooper and details about him in the folk museum.


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