Chrism Mass

Tuesday to serve at Chrism Mass - splendid service and the MacMillan Mass worked well. We were consecration torches and faced inwards. We moved at the wrong moment to come out behind the choir so had to get out of the way! Byrd motet beautifully sung and nice lunch afterwards. Met Stephen Wang and had a chat to Allen Morris about his vacancy for an animateur. It does look as though one could get to Lisson Grove on public transport. Had tea at M & S and then picked up Ciarán from nursery. Watched The Undatables - Aspergers syndrome guy very nice, Tourette's guy could not stop swearing. Finished reading The Tenth parallel. Wednesday took Ciarán to Amandas and he enjoyed it. Had a couple of run-ins about buggy, walking and holding hands! To Starbucks and Sainsburys for lunch. He slept 2 hours and I went to spirituality day for the afternoon. Sarah Richards on love. The idea of myself as a child and interested to find young people in 3 of Eric Gill's Stations. Bought Anthony di Mello's book on her recommendation. To Tate Britain to see Picasso and modern British art. Fine crucifixions by Graham Sutherland and Francis Bacon. Some wonderful Picassos and Moores. To Gandhi Hall for rehearsal for Charles Spencer memorial concert - felt weird going back there and the scratch choir are not good. Sat next to Peter. Came home to watch The Apprentice.


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