
Showing posts from 2020

New Year's Eve

  Both of us awake at 3 a.m. It's the worry of going out in tier 4. Hospital transport due 8.30 for 11 a.m. clinic at Guys. Turns out they thought appointment was cancelled now rearranged. St Martin's, St John's and Blackfriars. Bed and towels changed and washing on the line - sunny but cold. Rearranged for 1.30 transport came all went well haemoglobin up. Home at 7. Watched Black Narcissus 1947 film way beter than the TV series. Bridgerton episode 3 so repetitive. Only connect and university challenge. Bed at 10.30.  Slept right through. Liz was up when I woke up and I was alarmed. She had her medicines and is fine!  Bristol cathedral morning prayer heard it well. The Archbishop of York excellent sermon . Hearing Nardone Gloria realised had not played or sung this since March!  Lovely talking to Clare and Nelson in Lisbon! St Martin's, Fr Bruno at Blackfriars. Berlin phil New Year concert Beethoven, Rodrigo, Villa-Lobos, Rimsky-Korsakov. Petrenko conducting. Dennis ...

Thomas Becket

 Blackfriars and the homily questioned leaders of state and church - was there a hint of criticism of the hierarchy? St Martin's - they were celebrating St John.  Canterbury boys farewell to Dr David Flood on you tube. What a wonderful sound! Welby rose to the occasion too.  Lovely evensong for the 850th anniversary of the martyrdom of Thomas Becket from Canterbury cathedral. It's on you tube. Fr Anthony Charlton was there. Dr David Flood's last service after over 40 years of service.  Penguins on BBC1. Only connect, University challenge and Black narcissus came to an expected end.

St John's Day

  Woke at 5! Slept again. Very curious to know why Caterham had harp music and not the organ and choir. Was it a real harp? It wasn't. It was the keyboard! Fooled me! But why not use a grand 3 manual organ on the big Feast day of the church? Blackfriars was splendid and the organ was great especially Von himmel hoch of Pachelbel at the end. Durham cathedral Bach. St John Upper Norwood Eyre setting. Once again ruined by that soprano. Later in the day Bob rang and we rang that the situation is impossible. It needs an outsider to comment! S moked salmon on toast with salad (one for Bruce Woodhouse). Tried my new toy in the garden as cover blown off barbecue and top of water butt. It certainly blows the leaves need to work on my suction skills and maybe wait for leaves to be drier? Watched Royal Ballet gala. This morning's service on radio 4 from Canterbury cathedral about Thomas Becket martyred 850 years ago. Saw start of Brotherton.  Lie-in. Breakfast in bed and I was descr...

Boxing Day

 Lie-in. Prayer walk at Connaught water, Epping forest, Blackfriars. St Stephen's day wondering when we will be allowed to serve again and if we can travel. Have to wait for vaccination. Clifton Midnight Chris Walker sang his arrangement of Silent night beautifully. Programme on the Queen's Christmas broadcast. 

Christmas Day

Started the day with Blackfriars and Fr Bruno singing the genealogy of Matthew then morning prayer from Southwark cathedral. A lovely family zoom with everybody there and lots of lovely presents! What a joy to hear Peter Simpson talk about Christians awake! Such a wonderful hymn, St John Upper Norwood and St John Caterham.   Excellent homily from the Cardinal. Where are the boys? The men sang Kyrie and Gloria and then Sanctus was SAID! Why? To St Martin's in the Fields where they sang Thorne. Watching a service I would normally play for has to be the weirdest Christmas ever! Nice singing from Dublin David Grealy. Zoom with Caterham folk and Hyacinth our Baptist neighbour singing Hark the herald on our doorstep. Lunch on the go and watching Clifton Midnight Mass. Liked the Gloria by Richard Jeffrey-Gray. Sherry finished but Muscat is a good substitute. Servers at Clifton cathedral not wearing gloves. Quite a lot of people on a large sanctuary. Delicious lunch cooked by Liz with hel...

Christmas Eve

 Woke at 3 and 6.30. couple of arguments! St Martin's Walsingham and Blackfriars. Watched Christmas steam railway and Mary Berry. Clare, Dennis and South Norwood community kitchen collected spare veg and fruit. King's was excellent - tempi slow and TV was King's Singers. Lovely Rutter and Chilcott. Did not like arrangement of In the bleak on TV. Dennis and briefly Bruce on zoom. Bake off Christmas . Bit of Westminster cathedral with the Cardinal but no sign of the boys. Lichfield Sanctus by Richard Shephard. Durham looked great. Bishop of Ely. 

Coming home

 Woke 8.30. St Martin's. Skype with Ann. Nature's choice delivered 5 boxes including turkey! Sorted it out to give some away. Exercises. Fr Andrew rang and he told me about Fr Dennis Touw's Mass at Fulham on you tube - great homily. Blackfriars. Marilyn played well at the Horniman. Saw Sonia when I was doing the bins. I assembled the leaf blower, and fixed the wheel on Liz's bedside cabinet. Louise brought Liz home and she looks well with rosy cheeks. Has a frame and her legs are large. She can manage the stairs. So very happy - it's been an emotional rollercoaster. Lovely programme on Devon and Cornwall railways. Surprised by the discharge notes which mention pneumonia and do not mention WM at all! Blackfriars compline and Ben Nicholas organ recital at Merton.

Another day

 Blackfriars, St Martin's, Walsingham Up at 9.30. Chat to Clare was excellent. St Michael's 2 carol services. It was lovely to have a zoom with prommers and Liz joined in. Guildford and Winchester evensong bits, Gotterdammerung 2012 from the Met with Deborah Voight amazing production. Only connect. Liz's temperature still up and down. She is bored.  Started Tuesday woke at 815 feeling down and tired and fed up with no physical contact and long evenings alone. Blackfriars, St Martin's, Walsingham. Vicar of Dibley cheered me up and who knew Dawn French has done short ones during lockdown? Ordered slippers for Liz. Cleaned shower mat and kitchen floor. Quiet time was weird - no chat with me at all! Spoke to Bruce but phone needed charging. I was frying mushrooms in butter. Chat to Louise, Dennis and Liz. Enjoyed 3 organists recital. Jonathan Holmes played really well live at Ewell. Could not get into Bromley circle zoom but I was very late. Compline from Blackfriars. Songs...

Advent 4

  I played Bairstow and Statham on Veni Emmanuel, Fughetta on Nun komm der Heiden Heiland Bach and we sang Malcolm Archer's arrangement of The Angel Gabriel and Rudolph's Veiled in darkness. Shopped at Waitrose Caterham busy. Cottage pie for lunch. Chat to Louise. Dennis and family brought Quality Street, Christmas Radio Times and brandy butter. Liz's temperature gone down antibiotic drip working. Brilliant sermon from Timothy Ratcliffe at Blackfriars, Community carols from St John's better soprano sound than the parish choir one - one soprano not a nice tone on high notes. Peculiar choices O holy night and Go tell it on the mountain. BBC sports personality won by Lewis Hamilton again. Blackfriars Compline. Yorkshire farm at Christmas. Day seemed to go slowly.   3 Dennis Woodhouse, Linda Baker and 1 other

Tier 4

 I did manage to listen to St Martin's walk in St James Park, Walsingham morning prayer, Blackfriars and Belmont Abbey retreat on Love. It was brilliant and was based on St John and Christina Rossetti. And Mass from St John's. I did a thorough clean expecting Liz home at around 3. In the end there was a problem with removing the line and bleeding. So Monday or Tuesday. Dennis got home safely and spoke to Dr Wrench. You can imagine I am feeling a bit frustrated but I take comfort from today's retreat at Belmont Abbey about Love focusing on Christina Rossetti and St John. It was lovely to hear the O antiphon at Vespers. When asked about favourite carols I said "In the bleak midwinter" Darke, Beside Thy cradle here I stand (Bach) Sing lullaby, O little one sweet (Bach) Three kings Cornelius among many others. I also commented that Christmas makes us recall the awe and wonder we had as children as we hear again the story and the carols and it reminds me so much of Dad...

Home or not?

5 and a half hours sleep. Blackfriars Fr Bruno, St Martin's, chat to Ann. Interview with Owen Whittle about identity and self very interesting. Set up crib with new backcloth. Picked up Henry from nursery and he played happily. At one point Liz she announced she was coming home tonight but in the end the doctor did not like removing the line so it will be tomorrow morning. Give me time to clean. Blackfriars compline on O Adonai.


  A big day for Liz 10 hours procedure changing blood. Pray that all goes well. I have Louise coming over to set up personal alarms. I am to join the honourable order of the buzzer so I can work on my act as ancient shuffling retainer ready for the return of the boss. It does make sense to have this when I am alone in the house, SLIFG lunch meeting will be looking at Christmas and how to cope. Last Laudato Si' animators meeting before Christmas - the planning is going very well for Lent 2021. Chanukkah at LJS St John's Wood with the Archbishop of Canterbury always a lovely occasion with great food (virtual this year!) Louise cut my hair and took the portraits and hanging for framing. She set up the alarm system. Anti clogging needed topping up. Lovely messages from David Standley, Brian Pearce and Dominic Robinson. Rosemary rang. Blackadder II was funny and Come dine with me - dropped off. The only blot on the day was Michelle Chum telling me my SSG Facebook post of "O Sa...


  “Hope speaks to us of a thirst, an aspiration, a longing for a life of fulfillment, a desire to achieve great things, things that fill our heart and lift our spirit to lofty realities like truth, goodness and beauty, justice and love.” (FT 55) What fills your heart and lifts your spirit?  Texted John Alexander at 4 a.m. woke at 8. Blackfrairs, St Martin's, Walsingham, Bed changed and washing. Email for St John's zoom gone again.  Woke 4 and 8. Blackfriars, St Martin's, Walsingham. Missed St John's email gone again! Faith action zoom on festivals. Meditation hopeless. Bed changed, got washing in from rain. Lourdes rang. Emailed Fr Andrew and he rang immediately! Very nice. Told me about French families meeting at Canon Christopher's grave. Planning meeting went very well. Libraries meeting no councillors there Elizabeth Ash dominated it and was actually cutting people off. It was good to hear from lawyers on Northampton case. Joined National Theatre at home and ord...


  Embody a Laudato Si’ Christmas this week by eating one more meatless meal than you usually do.  Click here for helpful recipes.   Woke at 3 upset. Cold got sleepy tea and hot water bottle.  John Alexander text was a great help. Richard Peregrine wrote and Julie messaged. All helps. Spoke to Bruce and Liz. Blackfriars, St Martin's. Henry started sweeping garden but leaves too wet, Quack quack, pretending to paint walls, a discussion about not throwing things when he tried to change the subject! He was very chatty and helpful but I felt so tired and a bit headachey. Watched Frick curators on Constable and Turner. James Macmillan on Tallis and Wagner Faith in music. Long chat to Fr John after quiet time. Joy rang. Dennis going to drive to Ireland for final move of stuff.  James Macmillan on Tallis and Wagner Radio 4 series Faith in music BBC Sounds. Channel 4 attack on the BBC over the Diana interview, Hilarious laugh out loud Vicar of Dibley,


 Woke at 3 and 5.45. St Martin's. Ocado came early and the changes I made were not there! Good chats to Ann and Clare Chalmers. Louise and Dennis came. Colette rang. Edward has responded well about the Lent course. Emma Gardner on board. Infuriating meeting about using volunteers in libraries e.g. Lewisham and Manchester. Should have listened to vespers from Belmont instead. Dennis spoke to doctor blood count only 57, in hospital until next week for decision. Spoke to Liz very cheerful! WMUK folk were very encouraging and helpful. Cheered up by University challenge, Only connect and Come dine with me. Not watching Hospital! Scanned Watson piece and sent it. 


  Songs of Praise I am sure the vicar said Gaudate Sunday not Gaudete and what's all this about fasting in Advent? It's not Lent and it's a joyful season of waiting in hope. Some ghastly singing. Why Christmas carols? It's Advent. CATHEDRAL CAROL SERVICE Those of us who are not important enough To have places reserved for us And who turned up too late to get a seat at all, Stand in the nave aisles, or perch on stone ledges. We shiver in the draught from the west door. We cannot see the choir, the altar or the candles. We can barely see the words on our service sheets. But we can hear the music. And we can sing For the baby whose parents were not important enough To have a place reserved for them, And who turned up too late to get a room at all. Wendy Cope Family Values (Faber, 2011) Saw again programme on restoring Notre Dame.

Advent 3

  Woke too early! Damp day. I played Peeters Wachet auf and Rhapsody on Helmsley by Lloyd Webber. 3 in the choir sang Advent message Martin How and A great and mighty wonder. Home quickly as 2000 turning up for football no problem parking. Videocall to Liz. Caterham and Upper Norwood both sound good. Fisher House had some nice plainchant too. Lichfield cathedral had Sumsion setting sung by chamber choir, Kathleen Ferrier awards semi-finals. I dozed off. Owen Chan at Merton college chapel. Gaudete and Rorate caeli beautifully sung at Blackfriars Oxford you tube.  Owen Chan playing Mendelssohn Merton college chapel. Lichfield cathedral chamber choir singing Sumsion.  What a lovely Sung Vespers for Society of St Gregory and so good to see people on the zoom I have not seen for years! Liz was there too! Watching Great art programmes on Matisse and Renoir.  Grayson's art club exhibition.   cRelubNotexhibi Watching Great art programmes on Matisse and Renoir.


  Vespers from Belmont Abbey and the hymn is Hills of the North rejoice! One for Peter Simpson it is on their website under Contact us live streaming. You tube programmes on rococo and Royal Academy summer exhibition and now songs from Liberal Jewish synagogue with a fine tenor and soprano. Just recorded some tracks for Martin Barry for SSG Advent service on Sunday. I sound tired because that's what I am! Watched programme on British museum tantra exhibition. Can't say I was inspired! Christmas cards and letters sent and delivered Sat a.m. when I did the tires. Liz's photo has made everyone feel better. Spoke to her on videocall. Earlier sent her video of My dearest dear. I felt a bit sad. Nice organ from St Chad's Birmingham Christmas suite by Held. Sat St Martin's walk Southwark. I slept well. Woke 6.45. Blackfriars, briefly St John's, Belmont Abbey. Henry came 12 to 4.30 spaceship, picnic, painting, lunch, quack quack, fell asleep during Little Red train CDs ...


 Slept Ok woke at 3 and 5. Long chat to Ann. Louise and Dennis came and we had a good discussion. I told him he must tell us what the doctors say and not to badger us with too much information. I know he's worried. Rang Liz. He went at 1.30. I enjoyed the Churches Trust talk on Christmas traditions which are not that old - a load of baubles! Louise went at 3 and took stuff to the ward. The messages have been so kind and so many of them. People praying all over the world and of different faiths too. Fr Timothy Radcliffe at Blackfriars excellent sermon about Catholic witness to the world. Liz saw the RC chaplain. Lovely message from Fr Andrew. Fr Timothy Alive in God from St Paul's. Christmas letters sent and Christmas decorations finished apart from the crib. Took notes to the neighbours about Liz.  Friday woke 3 and 6.45. Blackfriars live, St Martin's. Contacted Dimbleby centre at Guys and lovely nurse rang and sent useful information on internet Macmillan's and WMUK. R...


 Woke too early. The cheaper Uber booked last night was somehow cancelled so booked UberX £37. He got there in time by using back roads. The charge was £57!  Wait and eventually saw 2 registrars. Liz was whisked off for them to take more blood. She came back crying because she had not seen me and she was frightened. The staff put us in the consulting room and brought tea. She had covid test which will be done twice a day. She went for X Ray so I left. No visitors allowed. To Guy's chapel and lit a candle and left a prayer message in the wool blanket round the pillars. We have to be strong and have faith. Home by 1.30 quite tired walking up the hill. Louise rang. Dennis kept on messaging and worrying. Come dine with me. Christmas University challenge. Dennis rang but I was so tired. The zooms were good - met Portsmouth Westminster and Brentwood folk . Planning meeting excellent. 

Change of plan

 Blackfriars, St Martin's, Immaculate conception. Mass at St John's and spoke to Fr John. Liz slept most of the morning. Sion centre awful rabbi Sylvia who gabbled on about healing and spoke over questioners. The consultant rang and said Liz's proteins in the blood were too high. St George's could not take her so Guy's tomorrow (not tonight as we first thought). She really has been fast tracked. Vespers from Belmont and then Austen Ivereigh on Pope Francis Let us dream - most interesting. Several responses to last night's talk wanting more! Greetings and prayers for Liz. I am praying to Cardinal Basil Hume - he deserves a miracle. Christmas letter written. Not a single Christmas card has arrived! 


 St Martin's, Blackfriars St Ambrose. Took Liz and Dennis to Mayday hospital and bone marrow taken form her. Quite painful after effects of the local. She had her hair cut. Watched BBC Young chorister. I like Charlie but young Alexander won - at least the counter tenor didn't. Irritated by the presenters. Vespers from Belmont. My talk on interfaith work and relevant papal documents was very well received by Maidstone brothers and we discussed the Ordinariate. 90 minutes in all! Hospital on Covid, Only connect and University challenge. Finished the main Christmas tree. 


 Advent 2 we sang People look East and Come now O prince of peace. I played Bach Wachet auf, Nun komm from Orgelbuchlein and Walther on Wachet auf. Martin How Advent (Prelude). Birdette sang with us. Oscar missing again. An interesting SLIFG afternoon celebrating 8 faiths including pagans! Songs and poetry. It overran which was Rizwan talking too much and trying to cram too much in. 3 charities! I took a break in the middle and sat with Liz. The new mask she got me is great - glasses do not steam up and I can breathe. 


 Blackfriars and St Martin's walk finished at Trafalgar Square. Retreat at Belmont but sorting out washing and outside Christmas tree lights. In the afternoon Sisters of Sion retreat with Fr Richard Nesbitt. He read a poem he wrote during lockdown. Advent carols from Southwell very good including Gabriel Jackson and Richard Lloyd.


 St Martin's. Took Liz to Mayday and Dennis met her there with wheelchair. She had 8 blood tests and saw the haemotologist. She has enlarged spleen and lymph glands pointing to lymphoma but goes back for bone marrow and CT scans next week on fast track. I think we are relieved to know what is causing the tiredness and lack of sleep. Dennis stayed all day and Louise was in Beckenham so she came. They helped decorate the tree and Henry joined in later. They got fish and chips. Bruce came on zoom. I managed the retreat with Sisters of the Assumption and Fr Michael Holman and the Laudato Si' prayers for the first time. Liz had Alpha group and I watched Joyce Grenfell and RSCM talk on Bernstein Chichester Psalms and Cambridge Eco-mosque with Tim Winter. An eventful day. 


Woke 6.30. Light when on loo but nothing on downstairs.  For some unknown reason my Facebook page has been changed to a different format. Why? Blackfriars, St Martin's with Bairstow Save us O Lord, enjoyed Joyce Grenfell on you tube, Henry and Dennis came and we did track, painting, games, picnic - he brought some nice chocolate rice cookies. Ate cheese, oranges, lettuce, celery but not egg or peppers! Liz unpacking large Smithfield meat order so I said "Oh you did not see my text saying I am going vegan?" Maria from CAFOD rang. Quiet time. Lourdes group Mass with Fr Andrew and zoom. Liz had servers council on zoom. Did Caterham music list. Started Christmas letter.  Wednesday work at 3 I was wrapped in the quilt! Liz had nothing. Blackfriars, St Martin's, zoom with Colette, Maria and Rita and some excellent ideas. Zoom Faith action coffee house Thecla was there from Lewisham. Meditation. Started clearing lounge for tree but knee playing up.  Excellent Gresham lecture...

St Andrew's day

 Wrote talk on interfaith work and powerpoint. Evensong St Michael Cornhill. London faith and belief community awards online - the group's second appearance still no cash. Peter Graystone on Painting God some controversial choices. Only connect, University challenge. 


 Wonderful St Martin's walk along Long Water Hampton Court. St John's Mass.  Serving a Wounded World in Interreligious Solidarity a very interesting session with Arundel and Brighton on this new document from Vatican and World Council of churches. Good to see friends there! The GCCM Advent retreat did not engage. |Excellent South African. Stirred puddings and found Advent stuff. Liz went to sleep. Hyacinth dropped by and saw garden. Made Advent wreath while listening to St John's Cambridge. To St John's for Advent carols. I do not like socially distanced singing partly because I cannot hear others and I could not hear what Adrian was saying and said so. I moved next to Fr Andrew. It makes no sense if the professionals are there to boost us to have them not sitting with us! That soprano was there again and on the recording all you hear is her and it's shrill on top notes. Frankly unhappy. We sang Fleming, Guerrero, Mendelssohn and Stanford Te Deum. It was a long stan...

Red Wednesday

 Blackfriars, St Martin's. Excellent zoom with Collette and Rita. Meditation. To Lidl and Post Office and got petrol. Liz moving slowly. ACN presentation no sound but did hear Fr Dominic at Farm Street. ACN from Scotland. Dennis and family came and brought birthday cake. Henry on good form. Repair shop.  Took Liz early for blood test. Dr Ojo rang. Faith action received Free churches report on social cohesion. SLIFG heard a fantastic lecture by Chris Hewer on Hussein. Committee followed. Laudato Si animators meeting. Dialogue at Laudato Si' institute Oxford on economics - I am no economist. Marina and Peter Donohoe on Rachmaninov fascinating. So a lot of zooms today! Martin Renshaw on a day in the parish church and lots of sung services. Master chef professional.  Excellent interview with Brian Pearce. Blackfriars, St Martin's, Walsingham. Liz has to see haemotologist. Finished uploading videos.  Just caught up on the LLF Advent wreath you tube recording. Good to see ...


 Monday started with St Martin's and it was very clear today then Blackfriars. I looked it up. I definitely lunched with Helene at St Benet's hall and I think we visited the chapel at Blackfriars but possibly not as I do not think they have an organ. Worked on uploading videos. Eleni played Liszt and Reger at Cornhill. Excellent Women and liturgy session. I wasn't going to go to Beckenham circle but I am glad I did because Phil Brown said a lot of sensible things. Only connect and University challenge. Tuesday Blackfriars, St Martin's and Walsingham then Helen Gimson rang. Bruce knew her son Will at Bath courses! Henry came and put out washing, played track, 4 games of Quack quack, ate 2 oranges. Liz tired again. Quiet time. Peter won Bake Off - I said he would! Excellent Craigmyle lecture by Sir James Macmillan. Most interesting Eucharistic take on Tristan Act 1. He rates that and the St Matthew Passion the most spiritual works. Poulenc Dialogues and Messiaen got high ...


 Lovely walk with Richard at Chiswick House. Beautiful retreat on Vermeer at Belmont with Mass and Vespers. What a treat! Sr Wendy We should not look at at the Light but live in the light. Poulenc Dialogues of the Carmelites from the Met. Loaded more videos. Family calendars came. Strictly. two more episodes of The Crown. Radio 3 tribute to Stephen Cleobury.  Sunday Christ the King so played Crown Imperial. 3 in choir and sang Tony Hemson's Alpha and Omega and Cleobury's arrangement of Let all mortal flesh. At practice afterwards started to discuss carol service and Jerry blocked all suggestions - church needs to be cleaned, Alan would need to be involved (he was available) the final straw was Friday is my day off. So I just said "That's it, no carol service". Several people thanked me for the music so I guess they picked up I as not happy. Home to David Grealy playing Langlais. Young chorister semi-final for 5 girls on SoP. Awful vibrato from one of them. Alice f...

Sarah Thorley MBE

 A most interesting interview with Sarah Thorley about SLIFG. Watched films on Paddington. Liz had Alpha. Bake off extra slice and Come dine with me. 

Busy days

Excellent zoom on London food policies. 30% of waste in London is food waste. This has got to change. The St Cecilia event was sadly very disappointing. Where were the hymns and prayers we love or the inspiring address? Couldn't Ronald Corp have done something? The Westminster cathedral choir sang beautifully and good to see Ian and Javed but the introduction was perfunctory and the credits called it the Abbey! Gloucester cathedral choir sang well and got a big puff from Harry Christophers. Meditatio session.. Working my way through uploading videos onto You tube and came to me playing at Addiscombe and Liz singing beautifully. It's so lovely to see the kids when they were small. What a happy family!   Sion centre on Women in the Bible with Rabbi Alexandra Wright. Bill Heubsch on Fratelli tutti excellent. Thursday Knackering LSI group zoom but enjoyed Gallery Prommers and Adrian Tring was chatty. Good to see him, Fratelli tutti and CSAN and CAFOD was good with Anna Reynolds. T...

Food in London

  Excellent zoom on London food policies. 30% of waste in London is food waste. This has got to change. The St Cecilia event was sadly very disappointing. Where were the hymns and prayers we love or the inspiring address? Couldn't Ronald Corp have done something? The Westminster cathedral choir sang beautifully and good to see Ian and Javed but the introduction was perfunctory and the credits called it the Abbey! Gloucester cathedral choir sang well and got a big puff from Harry Christophers. Meditatio session. Blackfriars good sermon, Found family videos on You tube on TV!.  Sion centre on Women in the Bible with Rabbi Alexandra Wright. Watched 4 in a bed. Karin rang and eventually I had to tell her that she was talking too much both to me and at the zoom meetings! Repair shop was good. Loaded up more videos. Dennis brought my new house shoes which are large!  From a Diocesan newsletter ... đŸ˜‰ Safety Guidance for your Christmas Crib The coronavirus pandemic has had a hug...


 Blackfriars. Excellent zoom and it looks as though we will get a London Care of creation online group going! Very chuffed to see Ciaran eco-warrior on Westminster Justice and Peace website. Henry came and we had fun colouring in, helping in the garden, bear hunt, space ship and playing a game. I fell asleep! Launch of book at Laudato Si' institute Oxford kept buffering. Mark Easton excellent talk on How does the home nurture wisdom from Westminster Abbey. Bill Heubsch on Fratelli tutti excellent. Bake off and Hermine has gone! 

Dr Shaw

  Carol services? I am thinking better to live stream but can I get singers to rehearse? I do not think you can have a congregation not joining in so better to join in from home? Discussion on facebook. Blackfriars, St Martin's but sound poor, Durham.  Ireland and Bridge piano pieces with the scores on screen on you tube. Thomas Allery played well at Cornhill. Nice to hear some Alec Rowley. Vespers from Belmont Abbey and the Philharmonia playing Ravel Pavane pur une infanta one of my desert island discs! Very good visit to Dr Shaw with Dennis. I was born with spina bifida occulta in Lower spine. Diasteremaromyelia. I am doing all the right things! Am to have new inner soles and indoor shoes. Mum would be delighted. Fascinating to see scans of my spine. Oddly makes one feel happy and relaxed to know the truth. Slipped discs, polio, all nonsense. A brilliant discussion about women and liturgy between Tina Beattie and Patricia Kelly. Why can't our churches emb...

Liz's birthday

  Oscar came to sing so we managed the Campion and Elgar. I played Vierne (his anniversary this year) and Adagio from the Elgar cello concerto - it always makes me think of autumn and I heard Jacqueline De Pre play it at her last London concert and of course Shaku has made it his own! Dreadful flooding on the roads today. Liz's birthday flowers and chocs arrived in good time.  The SLIFG remembrance event for BAME soldiers and civilians had 4 great speakers and beautiful interfaith prayers. Dr David Hampshire summed it all up so well. All of those who gave their lives wanted a better world. By remembering them we can be inspired to build a better world for our children.  Excellent Thai birthday lunch delivered from South Croydon. Delicious chocolate cake and we had family zoom at 6. Good to see Bruce. Hooked on The Crown series 4. One boob St Paul's cathedral is not Gothic! 


Gardeners back and sorted out which fence panels are to be replaced. Blackfriars, St Martin's, Walsingham, St John's Upper Norwood. Uploading videos. LSI meeting watched film and I left early to watch Fr Augusto and CAFOD lady on food poverty and vaccines for all.  Lovely Requiem from Blackfriars, St Martin's morning song. Lovely chat to my spiritual director. So good to talk to Clare. We did  a dummy run on zoom. Children in need. Working on video 5.  Great start to the day St Martin's prayer walk round Little Venice, Durham cathedral and Blackfriars. Patrick came and moved 2 heavy pots. Fortunately I had cleaned and covered items as it rained. New shed after Christmas but we can manage till then. I am not going to erect it. They have done a lovely job but there were some misunderstandings. We could have ordered the shed months ago for a start and there was concrete mess but that will wash off. I need to sort the water butt. The CAFOD day was excellent and well organis...


  Up early and at dentist at 9. Fr Timothy preached at Blackfriars. Gold crown stuck back into place. All very well sanitised and PPE. Henry came for 3 and a half hours and enjoyed making flapjacks. Dennis gave me a nice birthday present - a signed book on church music by Aquilina.  Iolanta with Netrebko from the Met. Durham cathedral evensong Walmisley in D minor. The soldier's tale by Stravinsky LMP classical club from Royal Hospital Chelsea. It was written during 1918 pandemic for 7 players and narrator. Gardeners back and sorted out which fence panels are to be replaced. Blackfriars, St Martin's, Walsingham, St John's Upper Norwood - John Pritchard isolating although he is negative for COVID! Uploading videos. They worked all day and it looks great! 2 minute silence Faith Action Coffee zoom on second lockdown. Watched the Abbey service the choir were superb Harris, RVW, Stanford. Why did we have to have that awful woman crooning Abide with me - a breath afte...

3 zooms

 FTIC committee, FTIL remembrance 5 faiths including Nathan and Sayeed. Women in liturgy not as good as last week. Only connect. University challenge. 


  Blackfriars, St Martin's in the Fields but sound not good. Painting a lemon while listening to Met Meistersinger. Anthony Gritten playing  Laurence Caldecote , Grunenwald at Cornhill. Plus Daniel Roth and Daniel Francis. He does not wear shoes to play. Intervened with gardeners they did not know box next to gate was going!   5  faiths remembrance. Women in liturgy r2.FT FTIC  Committee, Faiths together in Lambeth 5 faiths remembrance. Women in liturgy session 2.

Remembrance Sunday

Royal College of music strings playing Caroline Shaw, George Walker and Arensky. Young concert artists final very impressive. A delightful online bar mitzvah from LJS.yal College of music strings playing Caroline Shaw, George Walker and Arensky. Young concert artists final very impressive. A delightful online bar mitzvah from LJS.he morning service on Radio 4 today (driving to church) was lovely and all the traditional hymns too. Our second livestream went really well and the sound was so much better! Nimrod, Elegy of Thalben-Ball, Solemn melody Walford Davies, Pie Jesu Faure and God be in my head Walford Davies. I stayed for the private prayer and wreath laying. On the way home listened to the service from the Cenotaph. I was particularly struck by the interview with the widow who has started a charity for grieving children of soldiers, Scotty's little soldiers. The livestream came over very well. Songs of Praise from Brecon. David Grealy played Alain and Durufle superbly even cop...


  Day started with the wonderful walk in Battersea Park. Blackfriars. Could not join St John's as the email with the link has disappeared. Loaded another family video to You tube. Shovelled soil from front garden boxes into bags so gardeners can take it away. Bath Abbey remembrance on you tube is lovely. Ireland, Brahms, Finzi, Bainton.  Some work on SLIFG stuff and watched next LS video. Jonathan Scott playing a popular programme at Holy Name Manchester. John Wilson conducting Metamorphosen. Festival of remembrance quite well done.  Jon

John Perry

 Friday no sign of gardeners! Locksmith fixed back door. Blackfriars, Morning song from St Martin's. Loaded first video to you tube private. Worked on emails. Lovely Dvorak conducted by Hrusa Dvorak cello and orchestra - Philharmonia.  Beautiful funeral of John Perry livestreamed from Surbiton and it was good that there was some lovely singing and a memorable tribute. We sang with John in the Bridgeman Singers and he was always fun to be with. May he sing to God in heaven. evensong from Durham cathedral. 

Family together

 Blackfriars, St Martin's morning prayer with singing. St John's. Faith action on migrants. Nothing has been said about the homeless during lockdown.  A fascinating talk by Rabbi Debbie Sion Centre zoom on ritual washing, cleansing and Covid. Women and liturgy series 1 excellent. Southwell Minster organ and Jonathan Scott at RNCM. Louise and the boys arrived and Dennis, Ann Marie and Henry. First time round our new table and we got everybody in. Ciaran sitting with the grownups and chatted about schools. Louise showed me how to upload video and share it. Sean appeared with my paintings from the "toy room"! I gave Ciaran the 10 Shakespeare plays book as they had been to the Globe. Could not lock back door!!  Slept badly but I was not woken by the burglar alarm when the garden guys opened the back door. I asked man working across road from Meridian windows and he said door had dropped- nothing wrong with lock. Blackfriars and St Martin's. Bible study on Beatitudes. ...


 Woke early Blackfriars and St Martin in the fields morning prayer. Stones, paving and bricks delivered and David kindly said they could leave them on his drive in.  t was a real joy to have Henry with us today. We had missed him so much! We took him to buy shoes and have a snack. He loved the London Mozart Players 3 little pigs and of course we had all the usual rituals including bear hunt. The activity in the garden was of course of great interest. Dennis threw a wobbly about the car seat and various other things. He looked so stressed. Watched Nelson's latest.  \good to see the last of the Living liturgy sessions on you tube. Westminster Abbey institute discussion with the excellent Cardinal Tagle on Can religion teach leaders about wisdom? The Archdeacon was excellent too - she is Black and in Hackney. Bake off and Lotte went. Educating Greater Manchester very interesting head. US election dragging on. 

All Souls

 The Faure requiem went well at St John's. 6 pros joined us not very keen on one of the sopranos who is too loud. Pie Jesu well sung by Roisin. Monday wonderful All Souls day retreat at Belmont focusing on Gerontius, purgatory and St Catherine of Genoa.  Royal Academy of music Bach The European: Bach and the German Liturgy on you tube 2 Bach cantatas and  Joshua Ryan  playing Bach. Beautiful! At Cornhill Asher Oliver played well and interesting chat about the lockdown effect. Watched sung requiem with Archbishop Longley from St Chad's cathedral Birmingham. An uneasy combination of mass for deceased clergy and mass for all deceased. Victoria. Elgar setting of Newman, Faure. Only connect, University challenge, Liz Carr who do you think you are? Deliveroo story. 


 Wednesday Blackfriars. World opera day part 4 and Ensemble 26 Beethoven and Boulanger. Exercises. Faith in action getting to know you zoom. Meditation. Liz got blood test result - anaemia. Garden progressing well. Zoom supervision group for spiritual directors. Watched Borat - silly and funny. Come dine with me. Thursday was a most successful day. Liz went to Bromley and then to the Globe and went on the stage with the family MND! I would have loved that! The SLIFG zoom was well attended and Juney Muhammad gave an excellent talk on BLM and Black history and we saw 2 videos from Rizwan. Finished 2.30. At 4 LS group went well until 5.15 and we agreed to explore Journey to 2030. Picked up Liz. Traffic horrendous. Come dine with me. Mass for deceased brothers from Petts Wood - Polish priest read all the names with great care. Pity about the CDs.  Friday St Martin's in the fields, Blackfriars. Tires, exercises. to Lidl and Post Office. Watched LMP Red riding hood music by Paul Pat...


  The garden is being transformed! The old shed has gone. An enjoyable composite recital at St John's. I played Dom Andrew Moore. William McVicker gave an excellent talk on T. C. Lewis and Norman Harper demonstrated Bach Victorian style. Watched Rscm evensong. Ginette Nye was singing and Rosemary Field conducted - psalm too slow and long gap before each response.  The Scott brothers at Rochdale on you tube. Strictly was good. Come dine with me. Clocks went back an hour. LMP Strauss oboe concerto.  A quiet Sunday at home. Liz went to sing.  Bravo  David Grealy  and Conor Prendiville for the Vierne recital. I do love Berceuse it is one of two Vierne pieces I can play. The other being Epitaphe. The Angelus ought to be better known. World opera day so a feast on you tube.  Garsington Fidelio works really well with reduced orchestra and one to a part chorus! Toby Spence is terrific! Loved watching home videos especially Dad's birthday in 1996 because it has...