Age Concern conference and the Power Station

Did a workshop about the library at the Age Concern activity days conference. Sylvie from NAPA was very inspiring about getting the elderly involved. Jeff did Tai Chi - I had to miss Monday's session because of lack of staff. I didn't get a lunch break as I had to go back to the library form 1 to 2.
The Power station community forum was disappointing. It seems the new owners are going back to square one and getting plans drawn up again so more delay. Doddington West residents association gave me a chance to talk about the library. it was interesting to hear of pigeons, rats and crime on the estate. Graham Harris chaired very well indeed and we heard from Tony of BaseD. Unfortunately the meeting went on to 10 p.m. so I was knackered. Today I had a rest and went to St Michael's from Thomas Corns' excellent recital. He played a fine piece on Veni creator by Kenneth Leighton and in interesting fugue by Brahms. Franck, Bach and Mozart were all well played. I lit candles for Mum and Dad. Ironed shirts and put clothes away. Martin and I had our last bereavement counselling session for the moment - it has been good to talk to someone outside my immediate circle. To chorus rehearsal of Fidelio and I told Mark about the performance 28 years ago!


Edward said…
I must investigate the Leighton piece on Veni Creator; never heard of it, and I like his music. I use his 6 Fantasies on Hymn tunes (something like that) a lot. Veni Emmanuel is especially nice.

Was the Brahms the Fugue in A-flat minor? I was introduced to that in grad school and love it. It's amazing how Brahms could produce the thorniest counterpoint and still sound like Brahms!
Thomas Corns and the Bromley parish church choir have a CD for £10 of the Leighton music - looks good. Yes it was the fugue you learned - sombre and dark. Like early Schoenberg!

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