Birth of John the Baptist

At Coulsdon we sang the Benedictus to an Anglican chant and Sumsion in F and John Barnard's arrangement of "Lord I want to be a Christian". We also sang "And can it be" one of Wesley's finest. Teresa gave a fine sermon about how we got our names. Just like Elizabeth, my Mum insisted on my name being John despite my Dad being Francis and my Granddad Frank. I always identified with John the Evangelist. I practised "O happy day" with Generations (the bride to be very happy with it!) and was pleased that they knew Mike Anderson's "clapping" Gloria. I also worked on Mandelssohn 5th sonata and the Widor Toccata. Buses home and quick lunch and train to London Bridge. Fine evensong at Southwark cathedral and Ellie and lots of others got their RSCM awards. Harwood in A flat and the Barnard taken slower than I did it. I do tend to play too quickly. Desmond Tutu preached there this morning - I should love to meet him and Nelson Mandela. Daniel Cook was married to Miriam at Salisbury cathedral yesterday. Stephen Disley was directing and the Dean was as nice as ever thanking Roger Brice for arranging the awards.
To Westminster cathedral for fine Reger Fantasia on "Freu dich meine Seele" played by Robert Quinney. Nice to see John East. To Westminster Abbey for a fine Elgar recital by Simon Jacobs introduced by the Dean. Imperial March, Nimrod, For the fallen, Pomp and Circumstance No. 4 very well played. Makes one proud to be British. These recitals are always wellattended by tourists wanting to see the inside of the Abbey. Back to the cathedral to rescue my umbrella as it was wet. Spoke to Dennis on phone.Interesting item on "Solomon I have surpassed thee" about the office hymn for the day and the Sound of Music. The first notes of each line of the hymn became the tonic solfa scale. We sang it last night in English at Vespers.
Liz took Grandma to Chiswick for Mass where they were joined by Louise and Tom. they went to visit Joanna, Tom's sister, and her children who are to be bridesmaid and pageboy. We should meet Tom's parents (at last!) in 2 weeks time when they come over.Reading "The concise Chinese-English dictionary for lovers" for reading group meeting next month - it is good.


Edward said…
Once again, I'm exhausted just reading about your day! The "clapping" Gloria sounds like something I could use at my place. Do you like it?
Well the kids love clapping don't they and it's the whole text unlike the Peruvian gloria. I think it works well. It's by Mike Anderson. I also like Hebridean Gloria by Barbara Rusbridge,
Edward said…
Thanks for the tips; I'll check them out. Hebridean Gloria sounds fun.

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