Examining and Corpus Christi

I spent the morning examining for the RSCM with Peter Wright. There were a couple of outstanding candidates for the Bishop's award. It was fun chatting to Peter about the Chorus and the new appointments at St Paul's and Norwich. I have since heard Adrian Partington is going to Gloucester cathedral. To Tate Modern but I'm afraid the Brazilian artist who does colour in a big way did not inspire nor did Dali on film. Bunuel's films all seem to be weird and I could never stand the Surrealists!
Vespers and Mass for Corpus Christi followed by procession along the pavement of Victoria Street. I was crucifer and managed OK to my surprise! Liz features on the Westminster cathedral blog as one of the thurifers with Phillip as boatboy and Paul as MC. Mgr Mark was as always very grateful for our efforts. I submitted the poster for June 20th - the launch of the interfaith network. Lovely icon of St Columba.
and I love the Columba poster...