Organists' dinner

Saturday there were lots of people at Vespers and Mass as there had been a day with Mary in the cathedral. We found ourselves helping to cense the altar at Vespers and doing everything at Mass as young Philip is still in the Philippines (sounds sort of right!) We drove to West Wickham arriving just after grace. As President elect I presided at the annual dinner of the Bromley and Croydon organists association. Dr Stephen Cleobury from King's, Cambridge was a delightful guest and spoke so well. He was very complimentary about the chorus and told us of the new appointments at St Paul's and Norwich. Oliver Brett is going to Westminster cathedral as organ scholar. He is senior scholar at King's and a very good organist. The other guest was our old friend Fr Tomas Creagh-Fuller now at Beckenham Hill and and he too spoke well. The meal was excellent and much enjoyed by all. Stephen's challenge was to encourage more young people to play the organ and sing and also to bear in mind those older organists who might need IAO financial help.


Anonymous said…
Good news abt Oliver Brett coming to the cathedral. King's OS have a quality guaranteed stamp on them. I wonder what Simon Lloyd will be doing next year? Will be interesting to follow his career, particularly as he develops as an improviser. The Westminster Cathedral OS must attract a huge no of applicants as there is so much more opportunity to play than at an Anglican foundation.

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