To St George's Hospital. 80 minute wait and told registrar I was using hearing aids at work. They are big and my ears get tired after a few hours but so far so good. I've not used them at concerts or church so far. I will try them at a meeting but I reckon I will pick up too much! Too late to go to St Michael's so on tube to Old Street. Shoreditch Town hall basement Saw Ed Davey - his charity he works for kidsco had an amazing display for kids art work on demons and angels addressing some very powerful issues like poverty, abandoned kids, gang warfare, drugs - it was worth seeing!
To Canary Wharf and after some searching found Evans and saw Bruce who looks well.
To the cathedral for feast day of St John Southworth. His body has been moved to centre of the nave. Mgr Mark gave a great homily.
To chorus to rehearse Rosa's farewell piece for Robert Dean - quite good! Finished reading "The common heart" about interfaith meetings at Snowmass, Colorado.


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