
I've been thinking about belts today. In the first reading at Mass we heard how Peter was told to put on his belt and sandals by the angel who rescued him and in the gospel Jesus tells Peter that he will that someone else will bind you and take you where you do not want to go (John 21: 18) Paul speaks of the belt as part of the armour of God. Did all the disciples wear belts? The priest and deacon put on ropes around their waist to remind them of the service of Jesus at the Last Supper. Gird up your loins we are told! I bought a fine brown leather belt in Montepulciano last year but had to put a hole in it as it was too big. The leather has split rather badly. Belts are a good thing which can be misused - child abuse and worse. OPur government is outlawing the hitting of children.


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