
To the cathedral in the hopes of getting a ticket for The Beautiful Names the new work by Sir John Tavener. Security enormous and no returns at all. Chatted to a young Muslim also hoping for a ticket. There was a quiet protest by about 20 Catholics. Having read some of their blogs I was relieved that none of the nonsense about Prince Charles being a Muslim was on show. I returned home to listen to most of the work on Radio 3. It semed rather bitty with several endings. Very effective choral writing marred by wierd brass effects. Thunderous organ and timpani. It would repay another hearing I think. I have no problem at all with the names of Allah (God) being sung in the cathedral. Excellent TV series by Andrew Marr on modern history of Britain.
Yes Ed it is a bit bitty and the end is quiet after all that sound! I was clearly emant to be there to speak to the Muslim and say that not all Catholics are against Muslims!


Edward said…
Well, I just listened to it (it's 10:43 pm in California). What a strange mishmash, although with glorious moments. I'd like to hear it again soon, with the libretto (might make sense of all the stops and starts). The use of the space is probably a big part of the experience as well. The ending wasn't at all what I expected ...

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