Richard Nesbitt

To work and Isaac and Mohamed made a good start. Served at Vespers and Mass for the feast of the birth of John the Baptist. Fr Richard nesbitt wsa an inspiring celebrant saying the Roman canon (which we hear so seldom these days as it is the longest) so beautifully and prayerfully I was close to tears. The Downe House school choir sang Faure, Durufle and Brahms beautifully and Thomas gave a great improvistaion at the end inspired perhaps by Martin Baker's comments about the forthcoming recitals, Richard's homily focused on how God looks after us from before our birth right through our lives and how we all have a calling. The party afterwards was pleasant and gave a chance to chat to friends old and new. The new deacon Edward was there too.


Mearadh said…
I read about the reading, but I must've missed the network! Isn't there already an existing interfaith network? I remember we helped out at an interfaith event last summer, with Jessie over at WCEN - is it for something similar?
And re: Saturday assistants: those kids! Are they even 16 yet? I'm sorry to hear that Kasmyn, Phillip and Shaun have all left :(
Hehe, can I have Shaun's job?
Edward said…
I played for the vigil mass for St. John the Baptist and the poor celebrant (who is usually reliable, if not inspired) actually skipped over the consecration! He did it after the Great Amen. Needless to say, cantor and organist were thoroughly bewildered...

I understand Martin Baker is a fine improvisateur. I love his accompanying on some of the Westminster Abbey recordings.
You can't have Shaun's job because we are waiting until Nov for the redeployed staff form museum and West Hill! Isaac and Mohamed are both 19 and 21! Yes there is a South london netwrok and a Wandsworht one which I am on but this is one based at Westminster Cathedral! Good to hear from you!
Ed That might have been an invalid Mass! Martin is brilliant and so are his assistants! I'm going to hear jean Guillou on Wednesday at the Cathedral and he is famous too.
Edward said…
Guillou is sure to be interesting. I've been in a couple of master classes with him. He added the tierce and "petis anches" to almost every registration. I had a headache by the end. But he and Cochereau are without a doubt the most thrilling improvisers I've ever heard. Looking forward to a full report!
I'll do my best Ed but I don;t want a headache! Cochereau ratehr turns me off. I went to an Easter organists course at Sarum College and we had a lot about Cochereau from David Briggs who has transposed it. He of course is also a brilliant player but some of it just seemed to be noisy meandering! Martin Baker always has a structure and shape in all he does.

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