
Wednesday to osteopath and 3 students this time who worked on my left shoulder as I have no discomfort in side or back. They were impressed at my promming and swimming! Came home and Lauren had prepared nice BBQ with lots to eat. She ws having a quiet day and the new router meant she could use her laptop downstairs. Tried to use laptop to download music without success. To St John's to put pot of orange begonias with message for Mum and Dad's 2nd anniversary. Spoke to Ann and Dennis. Ann had been to Christ Church St Lawrence with Snowy and they had marked the first anniversary with Bairstow just as I did! Mum and Dad were prayed for and the priests remembered Ann. To Westminster Cathedral for organ recital by John Scott on sparkling form. De Grigny, Durufle, Alain and Eschaich all worth hearing but not Messiaen. It seems I am not alone on this one! Met Martin Ball, Adrian, Arnfinn (soon to compete in Montreal), Isabella, David just arrived from Dublin, Martin Baker. It was a good idea to build a programme around "Veni creator". Came back to East Croydon with the Vaughns - Jonathan went to the reception.
Thursday home at 3 and Liz took Lauren over to Bow as she flies to Salzburg Friday early from Stansted. Watched Maestro which involved BBC chorus. Some vibrato in Mozart. Friday swam 40 lengths! To Grandma's to get outside light and bathroom lights working properly.


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