A family party

Saturday presented Mohamed Kutty with his card and chocolates - he was delighted. Isaac announced that he got 4 Bs in his A levels so will be going to Sheffield so he is leaving. Am interviewing for replacements on Monday. To Vespers and Mass Fr Ed got through it rather quickly. Charles Cole played. He says the alto lay clerk who sang last night is leaving and his bass from Our Lady of Victories is replacing Graham Titus who has retired from the cathedral choir (he was singing in the Prom tonight). Listened to "Belshazzar" by Handel on the way home where we found Dennis and Ann Marie looking well after their Greek honeymoon. Dennis sent me off to bed at 10 p.m. and I woke at 4 a.m. and slept again.
Spoke to Ann briefly. At Coulsdon we had the blessing of a child. The large congregation did not sing much but they came in for coffee. Paula came to get the wedding tapes. I did a tribute to Arthur Wills "Lullaby for a royal prince" and "Elegy". Also played Healey Willan on "Bishopthorpe" and Dom Andrew Moore's lovely Berceuse and Plaint. Did not practise but came home after coffee where I was chatting about old age and Lear. One odd thing - my music had been moved on the bookcase next to the organ and the bench had been moved. But a good light over the pedals is now installed so I am pleased about that.
The party for Grandma's 90th could not have been better. Liz had prepared lovely food and got balloons and banners. Lyn and Rosemary picked her up and the surprise was complete. Her neighbours Carol and John came and friends from UNACC and art class including a remarkable blind South African called Lauren. Gordon and Matthew came from Borehamwood and Flo rang. Dennis,Kumari, Chaminda and Harsha came - the boys are so tall! 20 in all. It was a great idea to make individual cakes and we had very nice pomegranate and blackberry fizz for the toast at 4 p.m. I took Josie, Janet and Emma home and the newlyweds to the station. We got a photo of the wedding rings some of them very shiny including mine after 34 years - and I can't remove mine! Watched the prom live on BBC4 conducted Richard Hickox. Laurence Power playing Flos Campi of Vaughan Williams, Nigel Osbourne Flute concerto, Beethoven Mass in C - BBC singers sopranos not always as good as they should be! Dennis messaged safely home - they are getting another car - theirs was a write off in floods at Dublin airport.


Edbowie said…
Yes, Fr Ed is a bit perfuntory. When he was a deacon reading the Gospel, there was no sense that it was Sacred Scripture being read. He is also not inclined to utter warm words of welcome at the beginning of Mass. You do wonder what they are taught over the six years !!!

If it is the same alto clerk, he will be much missed at weekday Masses as he sings a wonderful Jubilus at the Allelulia.
I thnk it's Northern grit and lack of humour! Such a contrast to Richard! I expect it is the same alto layclerk who will be much missed.

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