John Johnson R.I.P.

Missed swim and good thing I went in. Sorted out stuff for summer scheme tomorrow in Battersea Park. To St Mary's Church Battersea - last bit walking along the river. I arrived at 10 a.m. so got a good place although pews very hard. Met lots of people I know and signed book of condolence. The church was packed. The tributes to John were very moving and it was so sad to see the local young constable carrying his helmet behind the coffin draped in the blue police flag. We sang Love divine and Alleluya sing to Jesus. Sir Ian Blair the Police commissioner spoke well as did Martin Stratton CBE and a friend from Norfolk was funny. What a man John was! The vicar tackled head on the question of why God allowed John to commit suicide. He pointed to the cross and its mystery. John had so many facets in his life - he will be sorely missed. Excellent soloist Pie Jesu, Psalm 23 and Ein feste burg unaccompanied, And I saw a new heaven well sung and thhe organ built by Saxon Aldred very well played by Jonathan Wikeley. RC priest did commendation. Nice to Sgt David Cook again. Lady on teh bus asked me about the BAinton. I returned to library so Caroline could have lunch and then went to Prince Albert pub for excellent Merlot wine (John's favourite) and eats. Long chat to Martin Stratton who is very supportive and offering support for projects needing small funds. A day to be thankful for community people like good policemen and librarians!


Edbowie said…
The obit was in the Telegraph today. Sounds like a remarkable man who really made a difference.

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