Kings Singers

Had a BBQ in garden - nice lamb, barbecue biscuits and bananas. Took it easy as back still not right. Read Choir and Organ and "The Tablet". Watched Kings singers 40th anniversary prom which was delightful and included Poulenc, McCabe and Jannequin and Victorian part songs and folk songs. Britain from the air with Andrew Marr was fascinating. Evensong was from the 3 choirs at Worcester with the new Kenneth Tickell organ. The afternoon prom of Messiaen Messe de la Pentecote and Manchicourt mass sung by the boring BBC singers was dire - James O'Donnell playing what sound like rude noises on low reeds! And to think people pay good money to hear these concerts!


Peter Simpson said…
I wasn't too impressed with Choral Evensong - give us the good old Bairstow in D any time!

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