
Showing posts from 2011


Liz to Acton - watched Royal year and Judy Dench. Mrs Dickens's family Christmas with Sue Perkins funny and moving. Saturday more reading and watched 2 programmes on bell ringing.

Charles Taylor

Great expectations was brilliant. Earthflight is amazing! How do they do it? Dorian Gray was very well done very hedonistic. Started Friday by noting ideas for the dialogue essay. Watched Darcey Bussill dances Hollywood and Musical nativity with John Rutter at Dorchester Abbey. Cambridge Singers including that nice young bass from the cathedral. Gerald Finlay sang beautifully. Finally finished reading A Secular Age 850 pages - the longest book I have ever read!

Ciaran stays up late

Wednesday and the family arrived in our car at the same time as Grainne and Clare with their 2. Alexis was asleep. They all played together very happily. Louise and Tom went out and 2 attempts with stories to get Ciaran off to bed but in the end he stayed downstairs and dropped off on the sofa after watching Gruffalo's child about 9.15 p.m. Tom took him up when they returned. Great Expectations is very fine. Ben Hur was a little disappointing as it underplayed the conversion at the end. Up at 9.30 a.m. and put leg of lamb into oven - it cooked well and Liz used Jamie Oliver's recipe for the sprouts. Josie came for lunch. We had smoked salmon and melon.

Dennis and Annmarie

D and A had been shopping and popped in for a fryup. They got back to Salford at 1 a.m. Used gift vouchers from the children to book ENO Rosenkavalier.

St John's Day

Having come home early on Boxing Day tummies settled down! Had a quiet day catching up on TV = excellent broadcast from York Minster, horrid one from St George's cathedral Southwark - difficult to find anything good to say about it! Becoming Jane excellent, alleged portrait of Jane Austen, Nutcracker from Royal Ballet 2000, Christmas University challenge has been good. London's burning about the riots in Clapham Junction was terrifying. Tuesday to St John's for sung eucharist - nice David Thorne setting and AJEyre carol. Surprise lunch in the vicarage which was lovely.

Mosaic present

This was made for Louise and Tom in 2 sessions and grouted at home.

A different Christmas!

Choir depressing at practice - who would think it's Christmas? Nitpicking. When I said who's going to the pub 2 said No. In the end Caroline, Jenny, Catherine and Molly met Vickie at the White Hart. She likes Rev and in fact based her Christmas sermon on it. Liz had stomach bug so went to doctor and took sample to Mayday. Midnight I fainted while on loo and knocked my forehead. In the morning sick and more diaorrhea so stayed home. Vickie played for 2 crib services and I was able to listen to King's (nice new carol by Tansy Davies) and watch the TV carols, also Pappano on Tosca from Rome and Morecambe and Wise. By 1 p.m. all seemed OK so played for Midnight. Nichole came as Karen was ill. Went well including Harwood in A flat. Christmas Day to St Gertrude's South Croydon for mass with unaccompanied carols - not Silent night again! Gerry and Eileen there and Fr Martin said I could have played. The new texts still throwing people and they have McCrimmon mass books. Played...

Interfaith lunch

Produced a poster for interfaith group in 2012 - 6 discussions on Meeting God in Friend and stranger on 3rd Wednesdays at 4 p.m. in Hinsley Room. I do not have time to arrange speakers or visits! To lunch at Streatham Quaker house - lovely vegetarian and fish dish cooked by Alan. And a good turnout too! More Taylor on return home. Listened to excellent evensong from Portsmouth - Taverner, Praetorius, Wills, excellent plainchant from the men.


Only swam 20 as the water was cold!

Syon Park

Arrived at Acton to find CiarĂ¡n on good form. We slept on the sofabed in the front room and it was much more comfortable! Watched cookery programmes with Hairy Bikers and Jamie Oliver. Also the making of QI. Lazy morning and took CiarĂ¡n in car to Syon Park Snakes and ladders softplay which he loved. He was not impressed when I went to park and go to the loo! He loved the balls and little car. Watched part of programme on Downton Abbey.


Swam 30 and Liz came. To Glyn Close to measure window and check heating. Garden looks very neat. On arrival home for breakfast message from Louise to say CiarĂ¡n had been sick at nursery so packed up car with table, cake, keyboard, etc and Liz went over.

My first cake

|Lie-in and long chat to Ann. Made scrambled eggs for brunch. Decorated cake and grouted mosaic. Looks good. Did some reading. Watched university challenge, Songs of Praise, Antiques roadshow, Dickens spoof, Christmas house lights.

Carolled out

At Coulsdon Tony Trent was there again and we sang Hail blessed virgin Mary and For Mary mother of our Lord. To the Oaks to eat picnic. 2 p.m. at home next to Coulsdon methodist and 3 p.m. at Crystal hone which was very hot and not much response. We sang Rocking and Stille nacht, To St John's for lessons and carols - Poulenc Hodie went well,  Britten Hymn to the virgin. Borrowed trestle table for Christmas. Antiques roadshow compilation. Tired out! John Linney brought Nicole and Robert Fraser bought Benjo.

Reading group lunch

Mike came to fix last of curtains and did Glyn Close ones. Bed delivered up there by Reeves would not go through front door so will be changed! To Battersea Park for reading group lunch at Italian restaurant - £20 because of service charges added - very nice food and company. Changed underpants at M & S. Tate Britain Barry Flanagan early works - like the hares. Tea in members room which will soon be replaced by a new larger room. Vespers O antiphon said much to my disappointment. Fr Michael at mass. 4th candle reluctant to light for Eugene - sticky tape over the wick! Stopper in water came off so panic - I ended up with censer! Harley joined us. Madam Butterfly from the Met on radio on way home - Liz brought car as she brought up iced Christmas cake, January music list done - still have to decorate my cake - marzipan is on and grout my latest project.


Christmas letter now sent out mostly on email. To Topp tiles to get grout and to Post Office. Letter to Oz now costs £1.10! Decorations are all up. Cleaned out water features in garden as we had soft snow this morning. Watched the end of The Slap - very well done. Huon pine pademelon came from Ann - her 55th birthday today. So it went straight on to the tree. To choir and Tony asked about playing the choir in! Vickie is away for Christmas.

Sequel to the car story

Bless him when I rang Vince he said "We need to stick together mate and avoid insurance companies. Your car was much more damaged than mine so just give me £20 for the paint." So after my 30 lengths today I went to the clutch repair place where he works and handed over the cash. Mine will cost more than that! Good programme on TV last night about Mr Reeves who is 80 and how he responded to his famous furniture store being burnt down in the riots.

British library and carols

Wed woke early so read Boyle. CiarĂ¡n do you like Christmas? No. Do you like Father Christmas? No. Do you like presents? Yes. Who comes at Christmas? Grandad! To interfaith group - did talk about our trip. Delay getting the keys but all was well. Met Liz at Chiswick and took C home. Wrote Christmas letter and spent Thursday a.m. sending off copies so no work done. Both of us to British library to see magnificant illuminated manuscripts exhibition - very good free audio guide and too much to take in really. Liz served at John Lewis carols and I went to Heythrop for Advent vespers. Offered help but really not needed. Started with schola in evening dress lined up in sanctuary - ony front row sang motet! Then they move to the gallery lighting our candles and soloist sings first verse of O come O come which is marked as full! Ladies then start verse 2. Excellent homily from the acting principal. Psalmody unaccompanied. Durufle, Part, Palestrina, Tavener and Howells. To Walker room for mince...

3 things on the 13th

Swimming pool closed - too much chlorine. On way home going down Canham Road scraped against a white car's back mudguard getting through the gap - first time in over 40 years of driving. Lost one cufflink at the funeral.

Sr Hilda Denyer R.I.P.

To Heythrop to be early for 11 a.m. requiem. I was usher asking people if they were going to receive communion - not a good idea at an ecumenical interfaith event! It was a beautiful service with music chosen by Hilda and Fr Robin gave an excellent homily. At the end we sang Be still my soul and watched the cars go off then to an excellent catered lunch in the convent. Alfred Agius, Nagase, Sr Margaret, Jon Dal Din and Sr Clare from Oxford who was at Roscrea. Reading library, meal in dining room and Philip came. Last session of the module so given essay questions to choose from, discussion about the course and returned assessment form on which I was quite frank! To Acton and woke at 5 a.m. so got up and read Nicholas Boyle The Way we are now. To interfaith group - delay getting key. 5 came and I talked about our journey. Met Liz at Chiswick and Ciaran had been to a play at Watermans as there was no music.

Carols and waiting

At Coulsdon we sang "Rejoice in the Lord alway" really well. Tony Trent sang alto which helped. I had lunch and practised with Sean and on the organ. 2 p.m. rehearsal for 3  p.m. carols - Adrian played and all went really well - all the practising paid off! Mulled wine and mince pies. Nice to have Francis singing and gave him a lift to East Croydon. Trees up and started decorating. Monday woke 5 a.m. and 7.15 and then at 8.10 having dreamt about Malcolm and the kids. To mosaic and completed the project for Christmas - just some sticking and grouting to do at home. Tai chi - Tony was late so we were larking about a bit. Council guys came and assured us class would continue. To the Plough restaurant which was a disaster -  90 minutes wait for food which was overpriced. 2 ladies turned down their meagre egg and chips for £4.50 so I gave them some of my chips. To Heythrop for Sr Hilda coming into the chapel Vespers. Jon Dal Din and 2 Sisters of Sion were there. Home to more tree...

Modern organ works

At practice last night delighted that Vickie joined the sopranos. We rehearsed "Rejoice in the Lord alway" and worked on diction in the carols. Louise came to stay overnight to borrow the car to go to Basingstoke for Rufus's birthday party - she had her work do and looked very glam. CiarĂ¡n did not like her silver shoes! To St Laurence Catford and arrived early. Michael Bonaventure played Games by Paul Patterson (enormous score) and a piece called The Swim which did nothing for me and Toccata by David Bedford who died this year. Coffee afterwards and interesting chat to choir member on art. To Heythrop for end of term party of Liz's course. Jon Dal Din came and good chat to Fr Dominic Robinson. Friendly bunch and loads to eat and drink. Did some more reading and Liz came home with tummy trouble from milk last night. I served at Mass and Fr Gerard sang beautifully (in pink). Nick was there and spoke to Eugene and I spoke to his Mum. To Turnham Green and taxi to Acton to...

Mildmay Mission HIV/AIDS hospital

To Shoreditch on overground. Walked around from Hoxton (back of Geffrye museum) trying to find the hospital and it turned out ot be opposite St Leonard's church where Rev is filmed. Carol service with Heythrop schola and we sang In the bleak and O little one sweet. Mince pies and mulled wine followed by a tour of the hospital. Costs £3 million a year, currently 16 patients living in and 16 day visitors. Old building being rebuilt.

Immaculate conception

Swam 24 and Liz came as well. To tip to dump chest of drawers and carpet. To Heythrop for college Mass. Arrived 12.30 and saw Joan. Joey seemed pleased to have a tenor and asked me about Alleluia verse. People drifted in to rehearsal. Graham Poulsom was celebrant - he has played guitar at Mass. St John Bosco started his work 160 years ago as a result of a young man asking to serve. We sang "Hail Queen of heaven" - dodgy theology at Heythrop of all places! Also Mary immaculate to Liebster Emmanuel and Sing we of the blessed mother to Abbots Leigh. Saw Sr Simon about Hilda's funeral. At coffee chatted to Philip who sings tenor in the schola and is in my class - thinks Damian pompous and too ready to put people down! Read a book by Habermas and Ratzinger in library. To M & S for tea. No sign of Jordan re my trouser alterations. Acolyte at 5.30 Mass Bishop Hopes. Superb Ave Maria by Mawby. Home to watch Rev and Antiques roadshow and The manor reborn. I was asked if I was ...

CiarĂ¡n is 2

Found the hearing aids next to the front garden path so that's a relief. 7 of us at coffee before the lecture and general moaning about the length of Taylor - I am doing well as some have only read 50 pages and I am at 506! The lecture from Damian was encouraging and ended with some thoughts about multifaith which made me realise that it might be worthwhile after all. We were also handed an assessment form which needs to be honestly completed by all of us! For the first time I actually commented in the lecture - lecture 10 and I finally get to speak! To Acton and watched a bit of Treasures of heaven film. Bed at midnight and woke at 6 a.m. CiarĂ¡n had a great time opening his presents and loved the IKEA kitchen we gave him (Louise and Tom assembled it on Tuesday night). Dennis gave him 2 wooden engines and he loved those. We all went to Wimbledon and had lunch at the Polka theatre cafe and enjoyed "The ugly duckling" beautifully performed and danced by 2 actors. He liked...

Hearing aids

 I found the aids in the front garden next to the path. They must have come out of my pocket when I went to the car this morning. To Catenians and good chat to Harry Mellor and Bill. Miss David Barrett. Some good jokes. I liked the Rabbi last night - "You don't know you are paranoid until you recognise that everyone is picking on you". Jewish atheist - "I'm an atheist, thank God".

More storage

Swam 30. The mosaic of the Maltese cross needed more grout and is complete - looks great. Started on next project. |Full class at tai chi! Cannot find hearing aids - definitely put them in my pocket this morning! Bruce came and put up the new IKEA storage unit in the back bedroom with sliding doors - looks great and the chest of drawers has been smashed up as nobody claimed it on freecycle.

CiarĂ¡n's party

At Coulsdon we sang John Scott's arrangement of Creator of the stars of night. The hearing aids mean that I hear everything loudly and clearly especially some organ stops (organ has been tuned). I played Wachet auf and "Comfort ye" to match the first reading. It is disconcerting hearing my own voice and I could hear the bass really well, The hearing loop works very well. Practised with the kids and then picked up Dennis and to Acton. Goldsmiths Arms for the party on Thomas the tank engine theme - lovely cake. C gots lots of nice presents and very happily playing with the train set and the musical instruments and balloons. Took Dennis to station and the presents back to the house and then to South Hampstead synagogue. Rabbi Shlomo asked some tricky questions and Archbishop Vincent answered frankly and clearly. Archbishop Kevin less so. Met Andrew and his parents and had a good chat, also a lady who asked about spirituality and Philip Rosenberg and his parents. Kim Burke w...

Harry Bramma

To Beckenham for organ recital and found Harry Bramma was standing in for indisposed recitalist (that seems to happen often at St George's!) We were treated to some great Bach chorale preludes. More reading. Liz to confirmation planning. Only one soprano at practice and had a chat to Audra afterwards about PCC comments which was reassuring. Saturday to Heythrop mass for St Francis Xavier and the mass was for Sr Hilda. Liz served. More reading in library but felt quite tired. Tea at M & S and bought a new hat as mine lost at Brentford on Wednesday. Fr Paolo sang well at Mass and excellent choir from Prior Park school Bath - Bairstow Let all mortal flesh, Vittoria, Tallis O nata lux, Gounod. Took Sammes score to Adrian and Dennis came down. Fish pie I cooked yesterday was OK despite spilling pepper on the broccoli.

Heythrop college Mass

Liz returned a.m. and Ocado delivered. To Heythrop for 1 p.m. college Mass. Fr Rocco asked me to read and it was celebration of Jesuit martyrs Edmund Campion, John Southwell - Austrian priest. Schola with guitar, sax (well played) and violin. 2 Haugen items, Farrell and Christ be beside me. Oddly proper not sung! Sr Hilda prayed for - funeral date not decided as yet. At coffee met Matthew the violinist. He is doing MA in pastoral theology and has 4 young children. Turns out he is Unification church at Chislehurst and knows Adrian Lynch - small world! I told him the story of 5 years ago. We had an interesting chat - he went to Cardinal Vaughan school and his parents arranged his marriage! Reading Cavanaugh on Helios and listened to vespers from the Oratory and Benjamin Britten on The choir. Met a Catenian on the train from Dulwich circle!

Syrian Orthodox church and Nicholas Kynaston

Tuesday reading and to college for 5 for session on good essay writing with Damian and an interesting lecture. To Acton and slept better on my own. Took CiarĂ¡n to music without buggy and he shouted out the names of instruments! Liz arrived during coffee - we were watching tractors dredging the river. Lost my hat. To Chiswick for Mass for St Andrew's Day with Fr Graham. CiarĂ¡n singing Happy birthday (Advent wreath candles look like a cake!) and Baby Jesus! Lunch at Carluccios - nice risotto. Tiring walk back and he didn't drop off! To Heythrop for 4 for lecture on Syrian Orthodox church with Sebastian Barry from Oxford. I asked a question about relations to Islam and got a good answer from Anthony O'Mahony. Met a PhD student from Oxford - interesting chat. To library and then to cathedral for Kynaston's 70th birthday concert. Hearing aids made organ very loud and eventually took them out. Awful lot of loud reeds in use - score for Franck No. 2, Mozart. Alain and Liszt no...


Swam 30 and Liz came too. Grouted my mosaic Maltese cross and then to St George's hospital and Edward fitted and set up new aids which are brilliant. I can hear higher frequencies again and I kept them both in all day. Public transport is noisy and I had to adjust car keys as I could hear them jingling. It has a loop facility and a mute as well. May be too loud! To Vickie's to do January music. A bit deflated to find PCC have discussed advertising for a director of music for every Sunday but this will depend on choir showing more commitment. I pointed out that the children were making excellent progress with me and that I would love to play in the Catholic church again. But why now when so much is coming up? To pick up Caroline who wasn't at the agreed place so to Orford House and Woodcote Grove house for Lights of life carols -  4 choir came. Last year is was under snow! Mince pies and tea provided.

Advent carols

We started with I look from afar by Palestrina and sang the Wood in the Phrygian mode setting and Martin How's Advent message. I played Peeters on Conditor alme and Lloyd Webber on Helmsley. Baptism well attended - even people in the gallery! Bought some cakes. Kids singing well. To lunch at Exhibition Room Crystal Palace - lovely beef and chocolate brownie. Bit annoyed by service charge being added on but lovely food and good to see them. Advent carols from St John's included Giles Swayne and Jonathan Harvey. To Southwark cathedral for carols - candle burnt right down! Wesley The Wilderness, This is the record of John and Boyce Where shall wisdom be found. The new Maxwell Davies Advent calendar written for the Queen's Jubilee choir book is effective. The 2 choirs were joined by the choir from Richmond, Virginia. Great hymns and super Bach Toccata in F at the end. Liz went to Advent carols at South Norwood baptist church. Antiques roadshow.


Friday to St George's Beckenham for Norman Harper's recital. Super Liszt BACH and Wachet auf then hilarious hornpipe by Noel Rawsthorne and Departure of the Queen of Sheba by Paul Ayres - great jokes. Gave Mass music to Dorio who is still having problems with bullying priest and bishops have been! Liz went over to Chiswick and to Enfield for Swavek's induction. To St John's for recording of superb evensong by King's London - Vittoria and Bach. At choir Tony Trent came but no Karen or John. Janet went home sick. Oh dear. Saturday to Heythrop for Advent retreat Prof Richard Price Heythrop prof of theology on Augustine - I commented on the words from the Cross. Met Liz and she came for tea int he convent. Sr Hilda gravely ill. Talk on Marie Eugenie Assumptionist founder - a remarkable woman. To Vespers (late) and Downside Abbey school choir sang well at Mass - Bruckner, Christopher Tambling conducted by Edward, Byrd. Farewell party for Sr Bridget with some Irish singin...


To Streatham for the South London lunch and Jon Dal Din was there. Turns out Fr David has retired to South Norwood! Good meal and information sharing. The Bexley book is all wrong! Home to do some reading. Served at mass for 25th anniversary of Cardinal Hume centre and Archbishop Vincent gave an excellent homily. 3 monks of Worth were there so greeted them. Liz had first confirmation meeting with Fr Paolo. To Red Gallery in Shoreditch for interfaith exhibition and party sponsored by 3 Faiths forum. Art disappointing although there were some nice silkscreen prints of calligraphy. Good Jewish choir singing but downstairs noisy and hot so came away. Watched Rev. Symphony and The Slap - all excellent. Friday am to Addington for scan for aortic aneurysm - all clear. Liz panicking about Powerpoint presentation so showed her how to do it.


In my discussion with Rabbi Julia she praised Cardinal Cormac but admitted Archbishop Vincent was an excellent speaker but she is not impressed with him about the Big Society. In another restless night I dreamed about meeting the Cardinal after cleaning the floor of his room. He offered me a tip which I refused. My point was that he took a while to get to know whereas Vincent knows names! Swam 26 yesterday and 22 today and Liz came. We were given a day off by Louise!

St Cecilia

The family returned safely from Ireland where CiarĂ¡n enjoyed the farm and slept in a bed! To Heythrop on Tuesday and 4 for chat before lecture - Ben seems very odd indeed. Damian was amusing. On return home found I got 60 out of 100 for my first essay so happy with that. Wednesday to serve at the St Cecilia service for Musicians Benevolent Fund. The 3 choirs were stunning - Victoria Ave Maria, Ronald Corp's Laudate dominum with a perfect boy soloist, Croce and Elgar Great is the Lord. We had a perfect seat on the sanctuary to watch Martin Baker at work. Dame Felicity Palmer read a section from Pope Benedict perfectly and the Archbishop gave a wonderful address on music - love and adoration, communion, maybe music is the answer to the losses on our society? To M & S for tea and toasties. Excellent evensong from Windsor. To Streatham liberal synagogue to hear Rabbi Baroness Julia Neuberger launch her book "Is that all there is?". She spoke about caring, dying, volunteer...

Gareth Malone

Gareth is a National Treasure - the final programme of the choir was most moving with the military wives singing at the Royal Albert Hall. Also watched Frozen Planet (amazing) and Young Apprentice HarryM escaped again - he must go as he is a pain! My first Christmas cake smells gorgeous. Spoke to Lyn and Rosemary. We are now on BT Infinity.

Fire brigade

Thursday to London boroughs interfaith forum - not so many there. It was held at London Fire brigade HQ and we had a free tour of the musuem with some fine engines from the past. Liz to Douai abbey until Saturday for course retreat. She took the car so used buses. Served 5.30 mass with Bishop John Arnold for Catholic union - I was book. Watched Rev and Symphony. Friday to Ealing Abbey on X68 and tube. 25 mass settings and salmon lunch. Visited the abbey garden with Fr Alban. Sr Jean did a good job and sisters wanted to know Liz was. On tube with monk from Worth and home briefly before buses to choir practice. Saturday more reading and to Coulsdon to practise and 6 p.m. Songs of Praise which went well. Acting archdeacon Barry Davies dedicated the new furniture - the last time I saw him at interfaith forum he was going to lose his post! We sang the Greek chant Beatitudes and Barry's introit although he was not there. Fish and chips and a difficult quiz - I got 7 of the paintings r...

Remembrance Sunday

9.30 a.m. eucharist and 10.45 service with a good bugler. Played Elgar, Bach and Walford Davies much inspired by Simon Lindley's playing on Friday. Did not get to Mass. Noble in B minor at evensong. Monday to mosaic and tai chi and returned books to Balham library. Linda back from Mexico and god progress on the cross. Tuesday to Heythrop and essay went in last week OK. 4 of us for coffee before the lecture on Charles Taylor. Liz's birthday and to dentist and she had her hair done. To Acton and on Wednesday CiarĂ¡n who is chatting so much cried when I left to go to interfaith group. Excellent talk on Korea by Matthew Jackson who showed 6 films and gave us a book on art - amazing nation. Back to Acton and Bruce came which was nice.


Friday train to Leeds and walked to Jurys Inn - fine view from 8th floor room which is very comfortable. To Leeds Parish church for lunchtime recital by Simon Lindley for Armistice day. 11am marked on the train. Harris, Elgar, Coates, Walford Davies and Thalben-Ball, A fine church and a fine recital. Enjoyed the art gallery and library and had tea there. A quiet evening but noisy people next door in the night. Saturday to the SSG AGM sung Mass in Leeds cathedral directed by Martin Barry. Nice to sing Greater love and the new Klais organ is impressive. Chris the organist is moving to Liverpool cathedral and wears hearing aids. A fine Crichton lecture by Father Daniel O'Leary - more of a talk on the heart of liturgy. After compline to station and we waited for train and changed at Chesterfield. Nice to see people again and home about 11.30 p.m.


I am way behind on the blog which is unusual! We got the train to Manchester on Monday and tram to Salford Quays to the Etap hotel - clean and basic but fine. Dennis did not see us as he had to go to London after work! It was wet! Went to the Lowry centre. Gill and Chich Hewitt picked us up and we had an excellent Italian meal - lovely to see him again - last saw him at school in 1963 and he was Dean of Grahamstown and is now losing sight. Tuesday to the Lowry centre and had salad lunch there. To RNCM for Howard Skempton celebration - free concert of string quartet Tendrils with an outstanding cellist. A new guitar work played by the composer David Futers. To the Manchester museum and an interesting collection. In the evening had Harry Ramsdens fish and chips at Lowry centre and to Journey's End at the Lowry theatre. Very moving play especially the curtain call with the Last Post. Very powerful! Wednesday to Clare's for a lovely lunch - she is married to John who plays cla...

6 provinces Mass

Both to cathedral and went to morning prayer. Met Jim on train. Liz has served at this mass several times but this was a first for me and I was consecration torch. 6 Catenian connection servers! Bishop John gave a terrific homily without notes. Choir sang Monteverdi Mass and Bruckner Os justi and Locus iste. Friends of cathedral music presented a cheque for £20,000. Coffee eventually in the hall. Lots there I knew. To lunch at the Rubens hotel and it was excellent - carvery took a while. Home for tea and a sit down - had drunk a lot of white wine! Gorecki on The Choir and end of repeat of Wednesday's Victoria requiem mass. Spoke to Graeme on skype.


Interesting chat to Liz's teacher at lunch where he compared starting study of philosophy to going to dance. Tea and chocolate crepes at the French patisserie near Heythrop - very nice! Served at Confirmation mass with Bishop Alan Hopes. I was cross then book. Catching up on TV University challenge, National treasures, Symphony part 1

Essay finished

To Heythrop and read at Mass for the second day running - met organist from Wanstead on Liz's course. Finished essay and it's ready to submit.


Spent the afternoon at Heythrop library and now at 1800 words. Went to 1.30 Mass and only 7 there Fr Dominic was celebrant and I read. Choir practice worked on new carols - choir do not like Patrick Hadley I sing of a maiden! Watched QI.

Catenian clergy night

Swam 20. To Heythrop and have lost about 400 words of essay and written another 300 so not so bad. William James is interesting and clear. To college Mass at 1 p.m. 2 guitars we sang Bodley setting, We come to share our story, lovely Haugen Psalm 23 and a silly Appleford song about turning the world upside down. Priest from Oz. Fr Rocco and Sr Isobel very chatty at coffee in quiet room - Fr Rocco keen to start interfaith group. To M & S to get new dress shirt and to sacristy to get my black shoes. Home and changed and Liz wore her new outfit which is lovely. Picked up Matt Oliver at East Croydon. The meal was good but I was not best pleased that brothers were not looking after our guest Matt. We sat with Gerry and Eileen, Fr William from St Chad's who was fascinating on interfaith in Nigeria and Fr Maccarthy from South Croydon. 2 others on our table did not show. The meal was good but service slow. Sr Sheila very friendly. Speeches were dull but Matt was excellent on More th...

All Souls Day

Took CiarĂ¡n to music - he now walks rather than use the buggy and chats away! To spirituality day with Mary Lean on self-control which was excellent. Got lunch at M & S. I served at 3.30 broadcast Requiem Mass of Victoria. The singing was superb. I was cross, acolyte and bell. Home and then to St John's where we were to sing the Vittoria but in the end only did the introit. Tuning was disastrous at the rehearsal but it came together. The rest was plainchant. I think St Andrew's non-Eucharistic service works better as there were so many names read out while candles were lit. Susanna Martin was there - nice to see her. Picked up Liz at Thornton Heath.

First essay

Went to Heythrop for Mass for All Saints day at 1.30 p.m. with a delightful priest smiling all the time - literally being the gospel he was preaching! Had a nice lunch. Did some more work on William James for the essay. At 5 met 3 others in the dining room including Michael the ex-diplomat. To Rahner room at 5.30 to find out how to submit essays. Looks straightforward. First lecture on the dreaded Charles Taylor A Secular age and it looks a huge tome so decided to buy it - got Amazon discount with student card £22. Chat to other students revealed that insider/outsider is not acceptable for the essay so spoke to Damian who apologised and confirmed it so all that work for nothing! Not a happy bunny. It seems that we are fortunate to have lecturers posting on Helios as some older lectureres will not use it so if you miss a lecture you have had it! I cannot understand why we do not have a tutorial before submitting the first essay especially for thsoe returning to study. Met Jordan in stre...


Glad that Andrew Nunn is to be Dean of Southwark. Sad that the Dean of St Paul's and Giles Fraser resigned. Saw the camp tonight from the bus - it certainly blocks a major right of way.

Lincoln's Inn Fields

Swam 16 as got up late - have gained a couple of pounds! To mosaic and no tutor appeared - only 4 of us. 7 at tai chi. Home to read some more William James. Organists association visit to Kenneth Tickell organ (2009) at Lincoln's Inn Fields chapel. Most impressive cases and good sound. Adrian and Norman there, chatted to Dorio whose priest is behaving badly again. The organist Norman Shaw was scholat at Magdalen Oxford and studied with Helene la Rue. Home to watch Young apprentice.

All Saints/All Souls

Watched programme on young nuns on Saturday night. Clocks went back but woke several times in the morning. At Coulsdon we sang The eternal gifts and Give me the wings to "San Rocco". The service definitely started early as there was not enough time to play all of Howells Sine nomine prelude. Home for lunch and listened to radio programme about William James Varieties of religious experience and started to read the lectures. All Souls service at Coulsdon - sang Ps !21 to Walford Davies chant and Faure Pie Jesu. I played Vierne Epitaphe and Angels farewll of Elgar. Watched Antiques roadshow.


Choir practice and John Linney back but not with us on Sunday. Did 2 carols. I was tired and had a restless night dreaming I was singing in La Boheme for Martin How! To Heythrop for mass and carried on writing the first essay in the library while Liz was at the course. Got salads from M & S and had tea at French cafe before going to vespers and Mass with Fr Alexander who taught the congregation the revised St Anne's Mass gloria by MacMillan.

Roscrea Abbey and Glenstal Abbey

Sunday went as usual and I did some more reading resisting the temptation to go to the organ recital at Westminster central hall! Liz went to meet Louise at Westfield. Some of the choir were die to sing at St Paul's cathedral on Monday for the evensong to mark the anniversary of A & M but it was moved to Southwark cathedral. The demo at St Paul's caused it to be closed on health and safety grounds - £20,000 a day being lost but of course if the cathedral was free... yet again the church comes out looking bad. Later in the week Giles Fraser resigned as he was not prepared to condone the use of violence to eventually remove the protesters. Good for him! Monday we set off for Gatwick Liz having been up to Glyn close again as she found there were no lights on. The Aer Lingus flight went smoothly and we landed in heavy rain. Took taxis to go and see Joe and he appreciated it. At 3 p.m. we met up with a large collection of nuns and a few monks for the coach ride to Roscrea. We qu...

Norman Harper and David Briggs

To St George's Beckenham expecting Andrew Kirk but he was ill so Norman stepped in - first time he had played a recital in a hoodie! Ridout 2 Nativity dances, Finzi Prelude and Bach Passacaglia - excellent. Saw Jo Harvey and Ken. Louise arrived with CiarĂ¡n - he has a nasty cough but enjoyed Cornwall. We enjoyed looking at the photos. To Sacred Heart Wimbledon - went wrong way! David Briggs on stunning form playing from memory. Guy Bonnet, Bach, Franck No. 3, Nimrod and Widor Toccata, Haydn and a 4 movement improvisation! The organ is splendid and a good audience. Liz to Heythrop and Louise went to visit Gemma and Sebastian. CiarĂ¡n happy to watch Thomas and Gruffalo and read Thomas books. Nasty cough but quite OK. Have now done all reading we were given on Helios and submitted first bit of essay on discussion forum. Watched the rest of Terry Gwilliam's amazing ENO Damnation of Faust on Iplayer. Fr Durand at mass and Huddersfield Boys choir sang Keith Roberts mass - met him - he...

Rosemary Field and Psalms

A short lie-in. More reading on phenomenology - gave up on the Paul Ricoeur book. Train was late so arrived late at St Matthew Westminster for Rosemary Field's recital of Bach, Tunder, John Robinson and Leighton's Paean. She remembered meeting me in Birmingham and St Stephen Rochester Row is to have a new organ a Binns from Edinburgh.. Bus to Waterloo and time to look rounf the 2 exhibitions at the National theatre where I had won Tablet tickets. The Jonathan Miller stuff was tat but the Laila Ward Migration work quite lovely combining fabrics and ceramics. Really enjoyed the Authorized version of Psalms and Song of Songs. Patricia Routledge is a national treasure - who could forget her reading Psalm 23 and 121? Met the Beers afterwards and got X68 home and Liz went on to M & S.

Phenomenology, Islam and Bach

Tuesday swam 28. Painted the bottom of the front garden wall and the porch floor looks great. Did some reading. Liz was busy in the garden. To first meeting of cathedral group Foretaste of heaven led by Mary Maxwell. Tina and Colette and we met in room 1 which is awful. Colette adamant communion is not a sharing or a meal! Oh dear! I will be missing 2 sessions any way. To Heythrop and met Kim Burke on the tube. At 5 5 of is gathered for coffee in the dining room as a result of my initiative and i invited another 3 later on - a useful chat. Damian covered phenomenology and Tony hermeneutics and Paul Ricoeur. Heavy going. Watched The Duchess about Georgina Duchess of Devonshire. Wednesday lie-in as not babysitting and had new bread, lemon curd and tea in bed! Chat to Ann. Did some more reading and watched Simon Rattle conduct the Berlin Phil in Madrid - superb Rachmaninov 2. To Heythrop for seminar CCID on spirit in Islam - Dr Hugh Boulter from Oxford diocese. Most interesting bits were...

A busy Monday

Swam 16. To mosaic and Kim made some good suggestions about my project. More at tai chi. To Battersea Park library to pick up another book by Cox. Watched McGill lecture and question session with Charles Taylor and Jose Casanova on secularism - fascinating. To Croydon council meeting - not that many in public gallery. My question about library staffing not well answered by Sara Bashford - I think the tendering out of management with Wandsworth will mean more cuts. To dancing and we did the jive which is too complicated. Frances Novillo email on RSCM committee not good tone.


Arrived at Coulsdon to find there was a baptism and "Christ is the king" was replaced by Channel of your peace at the end of the service - not a good closer. We sang How's "Day by day". I played Saint-Saens transcription of 3rd symphony which David appreciated. Short organ practice before Refresh which involved the two girls so rehearsed with Sean. Read Cox on phenomenology of religion. To evensong Walmisley in D minor and Wesley's "The Lord hath been mindful of us" which was painfully slow and lugubrious! Pork for dinner and fruit pudding. Watched Antiques roadshow and Downton Abbey and listened to some of "Let the people sing".

Only one way

To Heythrop for conference in Loyola Hall with 3 authors on their book about the uniqueness of Christ and other faiths. The Baptist Dan Strange was so patronising and offensive using YWYH and idolatrous. Gavin D'Costa from Bristol university billed as a trad Catholic thologian proved to be a bit muddled in presentation. Paul Knitter from US was much more to my liking with his open approach. Had picnic with Sister Jo and a Sister of Zion. Michael Barnes spoke to me and met Katarina from the Bishops conference introduced by Damian. Spoke to Archbishop Kevin - he said "something to do with Addiscombe I can't even remember what" so I just said I was at Heythrop and Westminster Cathedral. Our lives were wrecked and he can't even remember! It was a worthwhile day and met some interesting people including a former MA student. One of my questions was asked - the one about using YWYH. To Kensington High street to get mousetraps (I saw a mouse late one night in the lounge)...

Al Henry

Did some reading after my swim (30) and Liz did some painting. To Al Henry's funeral at St Mary's - Liz took me and picked me up so I could change out of my suit. A remarkable man - although he was a Catenian I only met him once when I presented him with his 40 year scroll - a much loved GP who loved fast cars, fine wine, poetry and his family. His nephew from New York spoke very well and his barrister son as well. 4 good hymns but the organist stopped at every comma and played with no fluidity of style at all but at least it was accurate and in time! To Heythrop for library and Kim's second seminar. The lecture was by Tony Carroll on Marx and secularisation. Room very hot and glad of fresh air and a full moon at the break! To Acton. Wednesday Liz took Ciaran to music and I went to Southfields Gurdwara for interfaith group visit - 8 came and Jasbir was a delightful guide. Mr SIngh the priest was also there. My frst visit to a gurdwara and enjoyed it. I met Liz at Ladbroke...

Mosaic, etc.

Swam 24. To mosaic and Kim standing in while Linda in Mexico. Cross completed and started on border. 8 at tai chi and started on a longer form. To Starbucks Croydon centrale for meeting about More than Gold in Croydon - 5 of us particularly impressed by Methodist youth worker who lives near here! At the end extempore prayer - in Starbucks? Did November music list and to dancing - cha cha, samba, waltz turn. Wayne Marshall organ concert. Watched a bit more of programme on Rostropovich and Songs of Praise from Salisbury cathedral with feature on RSCM Gold award.

St George's cathedral

I am on the back page of the Catholic Herald leading the procession last week! On bus to St George's cathedral and a warm welcome from the Dean Canon John O'Toole. The men were singing and good to see Norman Harper, Nick Gale and Mark Johnson. The turn out of Catenians not that great - about 50. We were serving but took a back seat. The servers arrived at the last minute and there was no MC and they certainly need training! Shambolic! The plainchant was far too fast and the whole Mass felt rushed with no silences at all. I'm not sure I woudl want to repeat the experience and I only went because of our deceased brothers. We came home on the bus and I started work on my first essay. Evensong from Exeter (again!) At St John's we sang Coleridge-Taylor canticles and Bainton's "And I saw a new heaven". Terence has a crutch but recovering well from the hip operation. Watched Antiques roadshow.

Singing the Bible and Peter Simpson

Saturday took Liz to station as circle line not running - her session was on the Bible. I went to London Bridge to go to Southwark cathedral for the day "Singing the Bible" marking the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. Lovely to see Bernadette Farrell again and her workshop was excellent despite a certain man interrupting. (Later I saw him at the back of Westminster cathedral!) Canon Andrew Dunn the acting Dean gave a lovely welcoming prayer and we sang "Angel voices". Bernadette gave us the music for lots of good ideas. Nice to see Andrew Maries again but he did not give us the scores - good to be reminded of some fine songs by Christopher Walker and Bernadette and Marty Haugen. At lunch I helped on the RSCM book stall but I find Frances Novillo rather bossy! The afternoon workshop was a disaster! The leader a priest from Brixton said she can't sing but the 2 people she had asked lectured us on the community choirs they had formed. A lady said she was ...

Nigel Groome

Swam 34 despite being late up. Discussion about what needs to be done and I have loads to read. Liz to serve at schools Mass. I went to Beckenham for Nigel's half hour of Handel, Bach, Darke In green pastures (which as he said is a delight) Archer and German. Home by 1.30 to get on with reading articles. I sent Damian an paper on policing which duly apeared on Helios! Not sure I understand or agree with the articles and not sure I've got time to reread them! Is religion inherently prone to violence? Can an inside understand a religion? Evensong from Winchester 3 choirs featured Howells Te Deum and Stanford in A. The evensong from Exeter included Shephard canticles and Laudate Dominum by Ronald Corp written for the St Cecilia festival this year.

2 masses

Liz and I to Heythrop for 1 p.m. college Mass in the chapel which was well sung and accompanied on the organ. One of the hymns from Laudate was by Jo Stanley and not singable at all and "Tis good Lord to be here" was to the "Wrong" tune and not "Carlisle". Hard to hear Fr David. We went to coffee with the chaplains in the quiet room and spoke to a nun doing her novitiate. Fr David did not speak to us but after Liz went off to student services (which was closed!) Fr Rocco chatted to me. To library to read 2 articles on laptop which seemed to have little relevance to Tuesday's lecture or am I not being subtle enough? Saw Larry and Nick had popped over from St Paul's shop where he is now working. Liz went to session with Kim. On 9 and 36 to Victoria to be acolytes at Mass for St Barnabas society - it supports ministers from other churches who become RCs. Spotted 2 past grand presidents of the Catenians in the small congregation. Had a coffee and apple...

More reading

Lots more from Damian to read some of it quite small so I think I will use laptop and enlarge it there. Swam 30.


In the morning to Upper Norwood to sign wills and got a card for Julian. Tuesday afternoon to library and borrowed 4 books and requested some. To Rahner room for Heythrop scholar seminar with Kim about referencing and guidelines. Met Brazilian student and several others on my course including the formidable Charles. Lecture 2 by Damian on insider/outsider and Cantwell Smith which I finished reading this afternoon! Mentioned to him that I could not hear some of the questions from students in the Brinkman room. Fr Michael Barnes was there and he greeted me - he is moving from Southall to Oxford. To Acton and quite tired. Wednesday took Liz to Marmalade in the car as her engagement ring had lost a facet and she collected her other ring after it had been adjusted. To deli with Louise. CiarĂ¡n enjoyed music. Straight to Hinsley room for spirituality day on kindness with Viv Stacey on Francisco de Osuna. A gentle measured reflection. She is from Cape Town. I got lunch from M & S and in t...

Red Mass

Watched Downton Abbey - excellent. Up early to get buses to cathedral for Red Mass - I was crozier and Liz mitre. Choir sang Victoria and Byrd and Latin mass. Saw Muriel. Baroness Scotland read the prayers.To mosaic for an hour - Linda is off to Mexico so has lent us tools. To St Michael Cornhill for Roger Judd's recital which included Parry, Stanford, Dame Ethel Smyth and Darke. Excellent playing and worth missing tai chi for once. I sang at St Michael's in 1973 when Harold Darke used to come to the carol service and sit on the vicar's lap Canon Norman Motley. Fred and Peter Stevens were there. Home on bus and fast train and then to Vickie's to choose music for December and Songs of Praise. Home for dinner and Liz resting after going to London Transport museum with Louise and CiarĂ¡n, Did some reading of Cantwell-Smith on the bus and train. To Catenians with Colin. Provincial President's visit and lots of visitors. They liked the chocs I bought at Tescos.

Eyes wide open

Just watched a remarkable film about an Orthodox Jewish butcher who falls in love with his male assistant and how the community treats him and the consequences for his family.

Link to photo of the procession

Grayson Perry

At Coulsdon admitted Sean to the choir and Ellie got her light blue ribbon. Barry's introit went really well and we sang "Jesus Christ the apple tree". Played Bach Fantasia in C minor. More cards! Straight to West Norwood to park and 68 bus to Briitsh museum. Community preview of Grayson Perry's Tomb of the craftsman - very intriguing with lots of themes - brilliant ceramics and tapestries. Cross dressing, pilgrimage, magic, religion, maps. Had an expensive coffee and to curator's introductory talk. Interesting that pilgrim shells only appear in the final piece. To Zizzi Central St Giles for calzone on special offer. Nearly left bag behind and got train to West Norwood so Liz could sing at St John's evensong. I went to Virgo Fidelis for mass for deceased Catenians - only 4 of us there!

Blessed sacrament procession and farewells

Took Liz to station - her first day at Heythrop on Pastoral Mission course. Bruce took us to Heathrow. In the excitement forgot to pack Ciaran's quilt, nightlight and portable cot! He was watching Thomas DVD. He slept in car after we had popped into Battersea Park library. He ran to Louise when she came through and she was in tears. Had a fabulous time and bought loads of things. Dropped off at Gunnersbury Park despite traffic and got tube to Victoria. Acolyte at Blessed sacrament procession from Westminster cathedral to St George's cathedral Southwark. A glorious day. The rosary gang were there in force and occasionally sang Ave maria and eventually O sacrament divine. Benediction at the cathedral with Bishop Alan Hopes. Greeted by Fr John O'Toole and the MC about serving next Sunday at Catenian mass. Cathedral was full so reckon about a 1000 there! It reminded me of the Via crucis in Jerusalem - some indifference and some respect. Rebecca borrowed Liz's cassock and to...

My 65th birthday

Lots of nice cards and a lovely book from Liz of icons of Jesus introduced by Wendy Beckett. To Crystal Palace park to meet Calix and Boyan. CiarĂ¡n enjoyed the scooter and the helter skelter slide in glorious sunshine. Had coffee and cake and then back up to the zoo (it was not open earlier). Not much to see but saw ponies, alpacas, goats, rabbits and guinea pig. Had an ice cream. Home for a short rest. New nursery rhyme book came and I was playing them when Bruce arrived which was a lovely surprise. CiarĂ¡n unusually not keen to keen to be bathed after water play. He watched Night garden and eventually went off to sleep. Bruce took me to choir and got chocolate cake and Ferrero rocher. 14 came to White Hart Chipstead and it was delightful. More funny cards incuding hilarious one from Vickie. Bob and Jenny brought Liz. Home at 11.30 and David babysat. A great birthday!


Last night read Kant on enlightenment while listening to Brahms Symphony No.2 from Birmingham. CiarĂ¡n slept well and took him to Cypress school for stay and play. Meanwhile I went to Tooting market to pick up the cupcakes I had ordered. Met them at the lake and he enjoyed his scooter going round the lake. Home in car and he had a sleep and so did I although I started out doing some reading. Imagine my shock when he took a tumble down the stairs from the top bedroom. He knocked his head but seems OK. Thomas DVDs helped a lot. Played in garden with water table and house, trampoline and trucks. Had his supper and enjoyed DVDs of Night garden and Thomas. After bath eventually settled down to sleep. He is absolutely fearless on scooter and climbing and jumping so I suppose the odd fall is inevitable! Louise enjoying New York. James MacMillan St John Passion on radio.

Now I'm a student again!

Swam 18. To More than Gold Borough champions meeting near King's Cross. Not well chaired by Matt who is very laid back. We appear to have signed up for far more than we realised and after lunch we worked on a job description but I doubt if I can give much time to this. There is also duplication of effort going on with denominational reps and office staff contacting churches. There was an event in Croydon this evening about which I knew nothing and Matt didn't even know where it was being held! Unimpressed. HAd an odd conversation with a man from Gunnersbury Baptist at the bus stop who will not work with Catholics on theological grounds! Bus to British library where I joined up without a problem. Circle line to Heythrop. Student services closed when I got there so went to library and saw Larry. Also saw Brian outside - he had just enrolled. Rang Catherine about Croydon library query - it appears only 2 staff on at small branches is standard practice. Got badge and my name was p...


To ToppTiles to get 3 floor tiles cut for porch. Liz had painted wire for TV in kitchen. Spent 90 minutes reading about philosophy of religion. At dancing did cha cha cha and samba. Interesting TV programme on Sandhurst.


Woke late and so late at mosaic - managed to do another arm of the cross. New student at tai chi and balancing much better. Found a quote from Jane Eyre about austere so posted it and messaged Damian. Have started noting items in reading including Tablet.


Louise flew to New York for work for a week. Liz went over to babysit as Tom went to the match. CiarĂ¡n now saying his own name and lots of words although he still leaves out intitial consonants!

Heythrop forum

Delighted that Heythrop email is now John Woodhouse and not Anthony. Now I have to think of a witty comment using the word Austere. Ran out of labels space so some of these refer to the last post! Evensong from Northampton sung by choir of Clare college Cambridge featuring Leighton, Walton and Britten.

Organ recitals

To Coulsdon and picked up Caroline and Gwen on the way. We sang Barry Stronge's introit again and Come down O love divine by Hilary Tadman-Robins (Molly's favourite). Hymns included Christ triumphant, Christ's is the world, How great thou art and O Jesus I have promised (to Beaumont tune). I played theme from Elgar's first symphony and Pomp and Circumstance No. 1. Sean doing really well - he sang Anderson Gloria perfectly. I practised and looked at some more transcriptions of orchestral items including Wagner and Saint-Saens. Dropped in grandparent card at Serpillos' cafe and quick lunch. To Battersea Park peace pagoda on a fine late summer's day for Prayers for peace arranged by Jon dal Din for World Peace week. Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim leaders and prayers, 4 of the Bahai choir sang and I had to leave so missed the rabbi. To the cathedral for Paul Carr from Birmingham blistering playing of Bossi, Dupre and Hendrie - he was pleased to see me again. Then to Westmi...

Heythrop registration day

On 8.15 a.m train to West Brompton as no circle line. Arrived before 9 at Heythrop - about 140 M.A. students and met quite a few. My group is about 14 I think and diverse - teachers, half and half male and female, 2 from Columbia, 1 from America. I think I am the oldest and Damian mentioned my contacts to arrange visits. Siriol is on the course. Registration was OK but discovered my email address is anthony.woodhouse so have asked for that to be changed. Liz's tutor did not appear. Nice lunch and induction about student services, IT and library. To M & S at Victoria for tea. Fr Alexander at Mass. Liz greeted Paul Carr in the organ loft - he plays the recital tomorrow afternoon. Watched end of Festival of Britian programme, QI and Sandhurst episode 1. Royal Palaces was good.


Only 3 at practice as Audra is in Barnados for her 98 year old aunt's funeral and John has gone to Leeds as Nicole is not settling at university! Went through carol books seeking unusual items. Heard the end of Caractacus on radio 3 from the 3 choirs festival conducted by Andrew Davis - sounded great.

Peter Cook

Swam 22. To St George's Beckenham for Peter Cook's recital. Nick Wibberley and Nigel Groome there. Nice programme based around dance - Camidge, Lang, Lemmens ending up the Petercuk waltz tibia sound and Harry Potter. He lives in Wimbourne and says the Minster choir no longer good now Chris Dowie has given up. Bought flowers at M & S and visited Beckenham bookshop (now reopened) and suggested Isabel Losada visit them to promote the shop. Listened to Mahler 8 from Berlin conducted by Simon Rattle - lovely! Could have seen it at cinema last week!

Angela's farewell and Chris Tew

To York Gardens library for farewell to Angela. Met her husband and sister and brother-in-law. A nice do - Meryl and Jane there. Chatted to Philomena Menton. Then walked to the Beehive pub in St John's Hill to meet Chris Tew - a Fullers pub so drank London Pride. A good chat about music and family history.

Jane Eyre

To Odeon Beckenham by car to see the new BBC film of Jane Eyre. Lovely photography, perfect characterisation, brilliant acting - Judy Dench! Lovely music. Mr Rochester's castle seemed very familiar - has it been used before in a film? Very atmospheric. Loved it. Only problems no hearing aid and dialogue bit soft in places, had a Pepsi, popcorn and sweets - desparate for the loo by the end! To post office to post the massage teaching doll to Exeter.


Swam 30 on Tuesday and 30 today despite being late up after a good night's sleep. Liz battling to get printer to print from her laptop.

Organ recitals

Tuesday to return scores to Bromley public library - no interaction with staff at all! Had a sandwich and coffee at the parish church and went to Laurence Caldecote's recital. Christopher Town there. Nice to hear Harris Prelude in E flat again - Dad used to play that. Flor Peeters Aria, Darke, Smart - a pleasant programme. Laurence is based in Coventry. Served at farewell Mass for Archbishop Stack - I was book! Liz to Acton and I ate at Pret a Manger and to Vaughan House for inspiring session on Foretaste of heaven with Mark. Interesting discussion about getting people to join groups and I tried to change my meetings to Saturday nights without success - no room available. So I have pulled out of leading a Thursday group as room 1 is not suitable. Slept OK at Acton but woke early. Back to music with Tamba at Brentford. Merle was there with her Dad who no longer works at St Paul's school! To collect Liz's ring and it was not ready! To Mass at Chiswick and Fr Graham was on! ...


We have a new kitchen tap (the hot was jamming) and Liz has been putitng down the black slate tiles in the porch.

The samba!

At dancing we did quickstep, cha cha cha and the samba which is hard and finished with a waltz. We are now transferred to the class! Admin had not done it. Tonight was the RSCM committee but in effect Frances Novillo has pushed me off it. I'm quite happy to step down as 10 pin bowling has come to an end and I will continue as an advisor and examiner. Only 3 of the choir are going to St Paul's cathedral to sing in the evensong for the centenary of A & M and only 3 for the evensong at St James Riddlesdown.


Slept well but woke with back ache. Swam 14 and then to Emertons to get plywood for mosaic and sawed it at home. Mosaic not many there - started on Maltese cross using left over tiles from our kitchen. Tai chi was good. Visited Isabel Losada in Waterstone's window advertising SW11 literary festival and bought her latest book which she signed. She says I should give talks on enjoying retirement! Sorted out cruise for next year and now booked through trailfnders who will organise transport to Rotterdam. Did some reading. Watching Buddha in Suburbia.

Papal visit first anniversary Mass

To Coulsdon where we sang Barry Stronge's attractive introit written for us "Levavi oculos" I had to do bass which doesn't suit so I accompanied it. Hughie was baptised - what a name- Hughie Green? We sang Beethoven's The heavens declare and I played the Mozart Jupiter symphony theme and the Holst Jupiter theme. No practice and after coffee to OLd Coulsdon congretional church where I met the minister and had a look at the interesting Bibles exhibition. To Victoria and open day at Westminster City Hall - great views and lovely silver and maces. Lovely gifts to the city as well form Jordan, Israel and Oslo among others. Got on 11 bus to go to Quaker meeting house only to find it was diverted. I got off at St Thomas hospital and walked over Westminster bridge which was closed because of the cycle race and got underground back to Victoria. The mass was at 3 p.m. empty seats. The new bishop very friendly, saw Martin Foster and Canon Jack Madden, Bishop Richard Moth, St...

London open day

Took Liz to station as she was going to Westfield to see Thomas film with the family including Bruce. Phoned Holland America and put deposit on 21 day cruise to Scandinavia and the Baltic. To reading group to discuss The tiger's wife which divided us but intrigued as well. To Burlington House London open day. Linnean society intro, fine library. Excellent tour of Society of Antiquaries by the former general secretary who was amusing! Decided to skip Geological society and to Marlborough House which is Commonwealth HQ. Coffee and picnic in garden but rain came on. Splendid statue of the Queen Mother in the Mall. Carlton House terrace Royal College of Pathologists and tour of Royal Society - another fine library and Arabic science display. ICA unusual display about Regency using a live model. To vespers and Mass (very few priests now) and Fr Paolo. Excellent homily - he forgot incense at gospel and was slow at offertory. Excused Papal Mass anniversary rehearsal as we are communion to...

Choir practice

A quiet day trying to get reading done but not succeeding well due to distractions - getting a new printer, changing cruise plans for next year, listened to chamber music proms. To practice had to sing bass. Big discussion about the need to come down to communion rail earlier, Karen announced she was not going to come to my birthday party as she was at another party! How rude!

Serving together

This is a rare picture of both of us serving together at the remarkable funeral of Fr Alan Fudge. Marcin Mazur copyright

Big screen

Up late and back bad - may have been the jerks as bus driver of W3 went too fast over humps at Alexandra Palace. It was great watching Carl on the big screen last night - his approach is very sensitive! Liz ordering new printer.

Degas and Carl Jackson

Redid painting above porch and got water feature going again, put up hanging basket and cleared up garden table. Tried again to get roof down on wendy house and fixed water butt which was blocked up. A lovely day! To Royal Academy - we were early so had a look at Hungarian photography again with Liz and into the Degas and movement exhibition at 4 with headphones. Soent a happy hour - the photography sections and pastels of dancers particularly fine. Had tea and chelsea bun in Friends room. On way out saw free lecture at Linnaean society on biology of ageing so Liz went to that. Tube and bus to Alexandra Palace. What a view! Had ale and ate sandwiches. Carl Jackson gave a fine recital. Elgar, Parry's Elegy, Howells Psalm prelude Set 2 no 1. Watching him on the big screen you see his sensitive and considered approach. I dropped off in the Liszt Invocation. After interval Alain, Bouvet Tango, Patterson. 1 and a quarter hours to get home - bus, tube, train, car.


A good night's sleep and caught up on emails so was late to pool - only did 18. If ever I doubted my new role as retired, this week has confirmed the importance of going to meetings - so much to learn, so much to share! In the midst of all this activity, we are considering cruises! Missed seeing CiarĂ¡n this week!

Interfaith forum

No swim as woke late after another restless night. Both on 9.30 train. To Hinsley room to host Boroughs interfaith forum - really good meetings 30 at each and 6 of my group attended including Margaret who I don't know and rabbited on! Discussed riots and British transport police policy also the Fire Brigade. After a break discussed Olympic truce. Charlies from Wormwood Scrubs was most impressive and Elizabeth Simon as direct as usual. Saw Campion. Malik was teasing me about lunching at Marks which was middleclass! To Edgware Road to see "Casting Jesus" film from Tablet review - well done. Underground to Mansion House and discovered good coffee and sofas at St Mary Aldermary. Excellent Justshare talk by Nick Spencer of Theos about the political influence of the Bible. This was in a crypt, drunk woman left eventually. Asked a question and mentioned S.A. so several people spoke to me. Alan Carr on Who do you think you are. A stimulating day.Liz served at ordination of new ...


Watched Angela Hewitt playing Brahms Intermezzi with score, also Antiques master and University challenge. Lots to catch up on and reading to do as well. Nice meal and then to cathedral - got there at the end of Stephen's Hough's motet. New translation confusing. Panis angelicus beautifully sung by the boys and Bach B minor fugue at the end. Liz to rehearsal for episcopal ordination tomorrow - she is communion torch so no rehearsal needed for that! To Greencoat place to Initiatives of change to have refreshments and see new film about a Somali woman in UK who runs advice service and fights female genital mutilation. I spoke at question session about training staff and helping people to speak English and libraries role. Useful contact with lady doing Hindu studies and chair of Somali relief forum used to come to library every day!


Awake in night and up late so no swim. Painted above porch but unfortunately when I threw down rotten plywood from porch roof bits went on the painted bits so will have to touch it up later! Liz doing tiling. Reading for degree and listened to Songs of Praise from Pershore and for 9/11.

More than Gold

To evensong at St John's - nice to see everyone again. Terence having knee op done. Sumsion in G and Stanford Justorum animae - end of it wrecked by sopranos out of tune. Both to swimming pool to find that it was too cold so did not venture in. To library and return lots of scores and picked up reserved books - saw Diana and 2 other readers! To Methodist central hall for inspiring presentation about the scale of the Olympics and the planned outreach and BBC coverage. Good lunch and saw Christina. Our table got full marks for the sports quiz and we got a white T shirt. Met people from Hounslow and Essex. Missed tai chi but it was worth it. To our first ballroom dancing class at South Norwood adult education centre and learnt the cha cha cha. We also did waltz and foxtrot - very good teachers.


To 8 a.m. mass at St Mary's - Canon Collins at back, Fr David still using old text although copies of new one available. Shocked to find the acclamations are completely changed! Why? A penance. Choir back and sang Jubilate Deo by Mozart. Kids rehearsed and on great form. Practised Elgar and Bach. I played Walton Spitfire march and RAF march past and Dambusters march as it was Battle of Britain Sunday, also racial awareness Sunday and 9/11 commemorated after 10 years in New York and London.

Last night of the Proms

Woke around 6 a.m. and went back to bed and had breakfast with CiarĂ¡n. Tom still asleep! No trains so various buses to arrive at the hall by 10 a.m. for roll call. Chatting with Peter and then to Marks Kensington High street for coffee and shopping - apparently this is their best day for wine! Sat in very nice garden behind St Mary Abbots in memory of Alec Clifton-Taylor. Got sticky tape for hat decorations. Back for 3 p.m. roll call and then stayed in queue. Amazing outfits especially Germans and lots to eat. Had cava. Went in at 6 p.m. and rehearsed Maxwell Davies new work with words written by Prommers. Stephen Jackson hopeless! Got a very good position on the rail at centre and young family near us. Several people who came on the day. It seems only 30 full seasons were issued for the gallery so we were very lucky! Many people had to buy 2 half seasons not including the Last Night. Maxwell Davies piece in tribute to prommers collecting for musical charities. Bartok Miraculous manda...

Der Freischutz

Slept trough the night and swam 30. Discussed money and holidays and phoned up about Russian river cruise for June 2012. Did music list for October - really tricky as no bass for the whole month. After lunch to the hall arrivin at 3.15. Put our names on informal queue list for the last night and at 4 p.m. put on formal list at 17 and 18. Liz then went to Acton to babysit as Lou and Tom on river cruise. I sat in Imperial college garden and read the programme. Chat to Eugenie and at 5.45 to interview with Sir John Eliot Gardiner about the Berlioz version. Amusing about Wagner who he finds boring! &.30 concert version with some staging. I had miniature score in German, libretto in French and English and for the second half Alfredo gave me his French vocal acore! An interesting work with lots of delights. Chorus were excellent. Got 52 eventually and 11.21 last train from Kensal Rise. CiarĂ¡n not too happy about Mam going off on train Liz had got off but he eventually settled down.

Philadelphia Orchestra

Woke early and had a lie-in. Set off to go to St Margaret Lothbury as not enough time to get to National gallery talk as discussing money. Ended up eating delicious fish at The Anthologist. They give you the bill in an old book and guess what ours was about C.J.Spurgeon who lived round the corner from here. Met David Stone about ISAs and investments. Buses to Royal Albert Hall. Just in time for Rabbi Julia Neuberger on pianos in literature with readings and piano pieces. Asked a question about comforting music like Mendelssohn and spoke to the rabbi. Also saw Chris Tew. All with scores Finlandia, Tchaikovsky violin concerto, Symphonic dances and La Valse conducted by Charles Dutoit. Encore Berlioz Hungarian March.

Gustav Holst

Wednesday to Acton Park with CiarĂ¡n playing with ball and on his trike. Later he got his new scooter and he now has super wooden track and accessories. I went to spirituality day with Sarah Richards on gentleness. She spoke of a 80 year old nun greeting here at Eden Hall near Edenbridge with gentle firmness and warmth and it reminded me of the greeting received at monasteries and how that initial greeting makes the retreat. She also gave us lovely pictures of the Virgin Mary. I had prawn salad and fruit for lunch and got calendars at Church House bookshop for Ann and a funny one for us. Gentle rain! To meeting with Roger Wright about the Proms - they rather fobbed off the issue of the 20 minute rule whereby season ticket holders arriving late end up at the end of the day queue and sometimes do not get in. Charles raised it and Eugenie commented on restlessness durign modern works. Comments on staff and lack of fountain were made. More training is clearly needed! BBC orchestra brass we...

Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra

Tuesday swam 30. Clearing up and checking wills and Heythrop money form - £1050 a year. Both of us to pre-Prom talk - Petroc Trewlawney interviewing the chair (horn) and director of the orchestra. Their chair of board of directors gave $42.5 million, another couple gave $5 million so they could tour to promote the city .They are accompanied by a team encouraging businesses to move to Pittsburgh which is now an attractive place to live. The orchestra took a 9.5% pay cut and donated $1000 each. They work in hospitals and schools and every primary school child in the city hears the orchestra at least once a year so truly a community project. Our orchestras have much to learn! Fascinating and the prom was stunning. Lohengrin prelude Act 1 - those gentle strings showing the German origins of the orchestra, Wolfgang Rihn played by Anne-Sophie Mutter like the cheese on the vegetables to get the kids to eat the veg (not to my taste). A wonderful memorable Mahler 5 (with score). Again 2 encores...

Last week of the Proms

Writing this at 3.25 a.m. having come home late and now woken up again! The joys of insomnia! Proms plus literary Ian McMillan and former Children's laurate Michael Rosen and the poems they chose read by the lovely Imogen Stubbs. The poem had to be inspired by music played at the Proms. The 8 year old winner wrote of the bright cat inspired by Liszt's first piano concerto. The older child's poem seemed pretty remote from the Firebird to me but the adult winner was clearly inspired by the Lone ranger and William Tell overture. All the poems we heard had an element of surprise and worked well. The Pittsburgh symphony orchestra conducted by Manfred Honeck played Braunfels Fantastic appearances on a theme of Berlioz, Beethoven piano concerto no. 4 (score) Helene Grimaud and Tchaikovsky 5 (my score). Stunning playing and brilliant encores too - Carmen and an American dance. What an orchestra! Notable that they play before and during interval too on stage.

Tai chi

Swam 30. Sent photo to Heythrop for student card and spoke to Ann. Cleared up magazines. To tai chi and Tony said I was standing more upright! 30 minutes wasted at T mobile shop as Liz has to go in! My mobile lost somewhere between home and Albert Hall.

Missa solemnis

To St Mary's for 8 a.m. mass - no sign of the new translation despite the newsletter trumpeting it! Fr David very hard to follow any way! At Coulsdon Ellie and Molly turned up but choir starts next week. I played Mozart and Ode to joy and all went well. Coffee and then straight to Selhurst and to St. Paul's cathedral crypt. I was early so got a salad. An interesting forum with Giles Fraser and Dave Tomlinson on re-enchantment and sacred doubt. I asked about music at St Luke's Holloway and he said they use Wild Goose community material and standard hymns. To Museum of London in the rain to see Street photography but as it was the last day it was very crowded and I gave up and had a look at the book in the shop. To RAH for organ prom played by Thierry Eschaich from Paris. Unfortunately lots of very loud playing and uninspiring improvisation. Bach and Franck were OK. Liszt Adagio not impressive. To pre-Prom talk on Missa with 3 players from LSO - interesting to concentrate on...

Michael Berkeley

To Coulsdon to play 3 hymns at a wedding. String trio largely talked over by congregation. CD to come in - Beatles instrumental but the real insult was a CD of Mendelssohn Wedding march played on an organ to exit. Keep music live! Violinist from Norwich university music dept not impressed. Practised a bit on piano. Liz was singing at a wedding at St John's as part of a quartet. On radio prom conducted by David of Tippett and Taverner. To pre-Prom literary event. Tasmin Little choosing Shakespeare, Hesse (just like Matthew Barley) Hilaire Belloc and something called Hungarian Dances. She looks and sounds fantastic - her father was an actor. Liz arrived just in time for Prom. Cockaigne overture, London premiere of Michael Berkeley's organ concerto, Rachmaninov Variations on a theme of Paganini (with score) and Kodaly Hary Janos suite (with score). A delightful concert and we went to Late event in Elgar room - wish we had known this was so good as we would have gone to more. Dran...